Hook & Flow Yoga 2.18

Rebalance Pilates Didsbury Studio, Warburton Street
Manchester, M20 6WA
United Kingdom

Contact Details & Working Hours


Qualified BoxingYoga™ coach & Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher in training, based in Manchester.

With a love for fitness and wellbeing my aim is to spread the word and love of yoga and show others how, with regular practice you can benefit from the physical and mental practices on and off the mat.


Yoga helps to drastically shorten recovery time from injury and cultivates relaxation and muscular tension release. These are important factors in order to prevent injuries and optimise a healthy body and mind-set.


What is BoxingYoga?

BoxingYoga™ is a physical sequence of 12 rounds which methodically strengthens and stretches the entire body and offers students a considered approach to explore coordination, body awareness and correct posture alignment.

To maximise performance, BoxingYoga focuses on utilising the whole body in a kinetic chain reaction with the power of the core and spiral dynamics of the spine. The class looks at the whole pattern of movement in the musculoskeletal system and offers multi-stretching exercises in sequences, thus providing a routine for developing whole-body flexibility.
