Mopsz Fajtamentés / Mopszokért Alapítvány / Hungarian Pug Rescue 3.62

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About Mopsz Fajtamentés / Mopszokért Alapítvány / Hungarian Pug Rescue

Mopsz Fajtamentés / Mopszokért Alapítvány / Hungarian Pug Rescue Mopsz Fajtamentés / Mopszokért Alapítvány / Hungarian Pug Rescue is a well known place listed as Non-profit Organization in Budapest ,

Contact Details & Working Hours


Amennyiben mopszocskáink gyógyulását, orvosi költségeit, ivartalanítását támogatnátok, megtehetitek az:
Mopszokért Alapítvány
Közlemény nem fontos, mind a mopszoké.
HU29 1171 1003 2001 3341 0000 0000
1113 Budapest, Bartók Béla út 92-94.

Lelkes kis csapatunk a bajba jutott, rossz körülmények között tartott Mopszok megmentését, gazdihoz jutását tűzte ki célul.
A segítők az idők során pihentek, majd visszatértek, de a cél az mindig ugyanaz maradt: a kutyáknak a lehető legjobb életkörülmények biztosítása.

Működésünket 2011-ben a Zöld Zebrának köszönhetően kezdhettük meg, akik azóta is biztosítják számunkra az alapvető feltételeket.
Zöld Zebra Egyesület tagjai:
Fehérvári Anita
Mikusné Szűcs Mónika
Weszerle Ferenc

Mopszmentés alapítók:
Fehérvári Anita
Mikusné Szűcs Mónika
Gerse Orsolya (2013.05.-ig, amikor is kiszállt a csapatból)

Suha Viktória (2011)
Fadgyas Judit (2013)
Weszerle Ferenc (2013)
Karanyicz Anett (2013)

2014 áprilisától:
Weszerle Ferenc
Fehérvári Anita
Fadgyas Judit

Mentvényeink rendszerint idősebb, szaporítótól mentett, magára hagyott, rossz körülmények között tartott, vagy testileg-lelkileg bántalmazott mopszok, akiknek gyógykezelésre/rehabilitációra, szocializációra van szükségük, mielőtt gazdikeresővé válhatnának. Ennek érdekében ideiglenes befogadóknál, családban,-lehetőségeinkhez mérten sajátunkban- helyezzük el őket. Saját kutyáink is közülük kerültek ki, ők a későbbiek során részt vesznek az újabb mentvényeink szocializálásában.
Legfontosabb számunkra, hogy mentvényeinknek olyan gazdit találjunk, aki hátralévő életükben a miénkhez hasonló szeretettel, gondoskodással bizonyítja, hogy a korábban átélt borzalmakban már soha többé nem lesz részük, és vannak jó emberek is, akikben érdemes bízni. <3
A gazdijelöltekkel való találkozókat jelentkezési sorrendben beszéljük meg, mi az álom otthont szeretnénk nekik megtalálni.
Ivaros kutyát nem adunk örökbe, a szaporítást nem támogatjuk!

Az örökbefogadás menetéről itt olvashattok:

Időnk függvényében mindenkinek igyekszünk a lehető leghamarabb választ adni.
„Munkánk” karitatív, család,munka, iskola mellett végezzük.

Köszönjük hogy elolvastátok!


Hungarian Pug Rescue/ Mopsz fajtamentés csapat

Hungarian Pug Rescue
Our Mission
Hungarian Pug Rescue is a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue and placement of abandoned, abused, neglected, or unwanted pugs. We provide a safe and caring environment to our pugs, ensuring their adequate medical treatment. We have helpers who provide temporary foster care to make sure our rescued pugs are properly socialized (potty-trained, able to walk on a leash, and able to trust humans again) before finding them a definitive adoptive home.
Our organization is relatively young. We started our activities in 2011 in partnership with other animal rescue organizations, and our Foundation (Mopszokért Alapítvány, meaning "Foundation for Pugs") was born in 2015 as a first step to become independent.
The pugs entering our care are usually older, in bad health. They had been kept in inhumane circumstances, and were mentally and physically abused by their owners (who are very often backyard breeders/puppy mills) and eventually abandoned because of their health issues or their age. This means that these dogs need treatment, rehabilitation and proper socializing before they become suitable for adoption. So we find them temporary foster families (actually, sometimes we decide to do this job ourselves – we have a couple of rescued dogs we had adopted, and they are invaluable in helping our new rescues).
We promote responsible dog ownership and do our utmost to make sure that our dogs find a loving home for the rest of their lives – their ideal, Forever Homes. Our dogs are spayed/neutered and vaccinated before adoption.
This job is 100% voluntary, unpaid: something we do parallel to our "proper" job, school, family, etc, because we care about pugs passionately. We rely solely on donations and fundraisers to cover our expenses.

How come pugs are abandoned?
Pugs are cute, loveable, funny dogs with a great personality. It is very difficult to meet a pug and not fall in love with it completely. However, getting a pug from a proper breeder is relatively expensive, and people often cannot afford the price. Backyard breeding/puppy mills thrive on the desire to have a pug the cheap way because future owners do not realise that in spite of the cheap price, potential health issues later will mean astronomical medical bills.
In backyard breeding, purebred dogs are bred solely for the money they can bring in, with no regard for their welfare. The dogs are housed in overcrowded, dirty cages, devoid of love, care, meaningful interaction. Often, they are kept in basements all their lives, without walks, without ever seeing the sun, in appalling circumstances. Puppies are taken away from their mothers way too early, and are not socialized with either dogs or humans. They receive minimal, if any, veterinary care, and inbreeding is common. Disease, genetic disorders, and heartworm are the norm. The breeding females produce one litter after another in cramped cages with no concern for their health.
Puppy mill dogs are sold in local markets and advertised on the internet and in newspapers. Reputable breeders want you to visit their facility. They ask a lot of questions in order to assess whether or not you will be a suitable and responsible parent for their puppies. Responsible breeders also don’t churn out puppies as if from a factory. They generally have a waiting list because they have a limited number of litters born each year.
Eventually, there is a high chance that both parents and puppies end up being abandoned: parents, because they are no longer productive, and are suffering from a variety of health issues doe to years of neglect. And puppies from puppy mills/backyard building are more prone to all kinds of diseases than the average pug, so sadly it happens that some owners decide that they cannot afford vet bills any more. Pugs are left on the street, by the side of the road, or get dumped at shelters. Sometimes we are contacted by owners who – because of various reasons – can no longer look after their dogs so they put them into our care.
The rescue of abandoned dogs comes with several challenges. In addition to health issues, most have never been housetrained; have never walked on a solid surface or with a leash; have never lived in a home with vacuum cleaners, blenders and other appliances; have never climbed stairs; have never interacted normally with other dogs or people. They need to learn how to trust humans or other dogs. It is a difficult but incredible journey when we see that dogs with such a heart-wrenching history finally overcome their distrust and open up to humans and animals.