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Cannabis any plant of the genus cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs the most commonly used illicit drug; considered a soft drug, it consists of the dried leaves of the hemp plant; smoked or chewed for euphoric effect

English Thesaurus
marijuana, hashish, bhang, hemp, ganja, dope, hash, grass, pot, weed, skunk weed, skunk, reefer, smoke, dagga

Understanding strains and their medicinal effects will allow proper relief to different symptoms. There are two main strains which include sativa, and indica and here is a list of their effects:


Muscle Relaxant
Decreases Nausea
Treats Acute Pain
Increases Appetite
Increases Dopamine
For Night Time Use


Treats Chronic Pain
Increases Focus
Increases Creativity
Increases Serotonin
For Day Time Use

How to properly identify the differences between these strains:
Cannabis Indica

Plant Characteristics:
Indica medical marijuana strains are short, bushy plants with wide leaves. Indica plants typically grow faster and have a higher yield than the sativa variety. Medicine produced from cannabis indica plants have higher CBD and lower THC counts therefore a pure indica strain will produce a heavier, sleepy type of high.
Cannabis Sativa

Plant Characteristics:
The sativa strain of marijuana is the complete opposite of the indica strain. Sativa medical marijuana pants are tall, thin plants, with narrow leaves, and generally are a lighter shade of green then their counterpart, the indica strain. Sativa strains take longer to grow, mature, and require more light. Medicine produced from cannabis sativa plants have lower CBD and higher THC counts which produces a more clear headed, energetic type of high.
Cannabis Ruderalis

Plant Characteristics:
Ruderalis is the lesser known strain of marijuana. Ruderalis is described as a wild or feral sub-species of cannabis. This type of marijuana strain flowers regardless of photogenic periods, but instead flowers based on the age of the plant. Ruderalis strains are typically not known for their medincinal values, but when this strain is interbreed with other strains, the outcome can be a pleasant smoke.
Cannabis Hybrids

Plant Characteristics:
Cannabis hybrids are medicinal marijuana strains that have been cross bred. Most strains available today are hybrids, and because of this mix matching of genetics medicinal value and yield have been increased. Different strains hold the ability to aid in a variety of symptoms, and finding the right match for you is very important.

Marijuana is being used to treat these common conditions:

In Alzheimer’s patients it may prevent formation of “Alzheimer’s plaques”
In Arthritis sufferers it may work as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory
For Asthma sufferers it may open up airways in the lungs
In brain cancer it may reduce tumors and kill cancer cells
In breast cancer it may stop cancer from spreading
May brighten the mood in those with depression
May Reduce eye pressure for those with Glaucoma
Head Injury sufferers may have experienced the benefit of neuro protective properties, and speedier recovery times
In HIV patients it may reduce neuropathic pain, improve appetite and sleep
Hypertension sufferers may find it lowers blood pressure
In lung cancer it may reduce tumors and slows cancer growth
For chronic pain it may act as a non-opiate, non-addictive pain killer
In those diagnosed with may regulate the effects of the disorder
In Fibromyalgia it reduces nausea and chronic pain and improves sleep disorders
For Chemotherapy patients it increases appetite, acts as a pain killer, fights nausea and acts as a great sleeping aid
For those with spinal cord injuries it reduces muscle spasms, improves appetite and relieves chronic pain

“The use of the raw plant includes the acid cannabinoids; CBDA, THCA, CBGA, CBCA. The acid cannabinoids, CBDA and CBGA are now known to act at GPR55 as potent antagonists of that proinflammatory receptor. The acid cannabinoids are 2-4 fold more effective than the neutral cannabinoids, which have been the exclusive focus of study for the last 30 years. The neutral cannabinoids, CBD, THC, CBG, CBC … are functionally synthetic molecules made by application of heat to alter the naturally occurring Acidic Phytocannabinoids. The specific ratio of cannabinoids is an area of tremendous significance and an area in need of additional research. Consumption of the whole mature raw flower / bud and leaf is the best current thought. The amount per day is dependent upon the weight-to-weight cannabinoid content analysis of that specific plant as there is dramatic variation between particular plants of the same name and across time for a specific plant. If analysis is not available, assume high THC concentration in the 8% to 21% weight to weight or w/w. In general CBD is usually less than 1% w/w. Another way of describing the relative amounts of THC to CBD is cannabinoid content. For the vast majority of strains in California the ratio OF CBD TO THC per 100 grams of cannabinoid, is 0.4 to 1.0 grams of CBD/100gm to 90-95 grams of THC/100gm. Sadly the other 78 cannabinoids share the remaining 4 grams. Note that W/W is the amount of CBD per unit weight of cannabis where cannabinoid content is an estimate of the relative amount of THC, CBD, CBC, CBG, CBN etc per 100 gm of cannabinoid extracted from a particular strain. Individuals often start out with 1-3 grams of mature bud / flower to assure no idiosyncratic allergic reaction or psycho-activity. In indoor grow rooms with low ceilings sometimes the buds get very close or touch the high pressure sodium lights which are hot enough to breakdown THCA into THC. It has been suggested that very hot outdoor grows may also have some decarboxylation at the top of the plant but this is very rare. Once comfortable with mature raw flower, slowly increase the amount to 14 grams or 1/2 ounce wet weight mature bud harvested from the living plant. In addition to the raw bud use 30 to 300 leaves per day in accordance to the amount of plant that can be consistently provided on a daily basis. It is best to juice the leaves to decrease bulk of the fiber but it is best to blend the flower into the juice of the leaf, particularly with the new 10-20% CBDA strains. Blending the bud rather than juicing it, reduces the loss of cannabinoids that adhere to the ejected fiber that is part of the juicing process. In the past bud was juiced when using 1% CBDA plants because of the large amount of plant material required in order to recover 600 mg of CBD. Flavor management is a very important for compliance. The juiced leaf and blended flower is combined with hemp milk/ hemp oil / keifer / yogurt into a smoothie or combined with fresh vegetable or fruit juices. Organic produce without the fungicides, herbicides and pesticides are important if available. The smoothie / juice with its phyto-cannabinoids / terpenes / flavinoids are best taken in divided doses due to their rapid clearance i.e. the cannabinoids clear in about 50 minutes after absorption from the intestine is complete. If the final amount is 10 ounces, then divide into five 2-ounce doses and take every 4 hours. Keep on ice. Shake before using to mix the fatty acids with the water portion of the juice. For serious illnesses, try for 6 doses a day, that is leave one dose in the refrigerator for consumption if one gets up to use the restroom at night. Replace high THC plants with plants of increased CBD content and ideally with plants providing specific ratios of CBDA to THCA indicated for the specific medical condition. The THC dose, for those that are comfortable with THC, is 10-15 mg. If you are blending a mature bud into a glass of juice it could and should have 5-600 mg of THCA and 5-600 mg of CBDA if the plant is a 1:1 plant such as the original Cannatonic 6.9%w/w CBD to 6.2% w/w THC or a tested strain of Harlequin, which range from 4%/4% to 8%/8% CBD/THC. If that juice is accidentally heated by placing the ‘vegetable’ juice into a vegetable soup, it will create a very psychotoxic dose of THC. Reiterating to a fault, if you are consuming 600 mg of a 1:1 plant, you are consuming not only 600 mg of CBDA but also 600mg of THCA, upon heating the THCA turns in to approximately 580mg of THC when the tolerable dose is 10 mg! That would be like consuming 58 brownies when you can only tolerate 1! If you find a source of Cannatonic seeds beware that the Cannatonic feminized seeds can vary widely from the original plant. Recent HPLC testing showed an expression of CBDA from 22% w/w to <1%CBDA and concurrently THCA contents ranged from 1% w/w to 30 % w/w. This marked divergence mandates testing of the plant while keeping back living clones in case you locate the desired cannabinoid ratio. “Dietary use provides remarkable antioxidant benefits, but one of the side effects of cannabis that I include in every medical evaluation I conduct, is the warning that regular use of cannabis requires attention to Legionairres, Leishmaniasis and TB. The white blood cells of the immune system intentionally secrete superoxides in their effort to destroy the tissue harboring the intracellular pathogens. CBD / CBDA neutralizes those superoxides thereby hampering the immune system. Because we have driven these cannabinoids out of the plant they no longer provide potent antimicrobial protection from these intracellular pathogens.” - See more at: