The Mantra 3.03

Cape Town, 8001
South Africa

About The Mantra

Contact Details & Working Hours


The Mantra came about thanks to two things: the inspiration of my two four-legged friends, and the need to find truth in fitness and the rest of my life. The simple way they live (and enjoy) their lives is what motivates me to find the Mantras that work for me and hopefully for you too.

The content on The Mantra is not paid for in any way. I do these posts because I want to, and I believe in the work and research that I do for it. It’s a constant search for the right words and mantras, whether it’s truth in fitness or finding meaning through adventure. It covers what has (and what hasn’t) worked for me, and hopefully that can help others that are interested in the same kind of challenges and experiences. If you’re looking for a quick fix, this ain’t it. Vibrating dumbbells, hoodia diets and instant ab cream won’t be found here. What you will find: honest results; proper research; insightful commentary from the best coaches, trainers, and dieticians; and pure enthusiasm on my part to try almost anything. The Mantra will always be a work in progress, it’ll follow a constant learning curve.

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