Portal of Alchemy 4.52

4.9 star(s) from 25 votes
Portal of Alchemy 27b Northcliffe Ave,
Westville, 3610
South Africa

About Portal of Alchemy

Contact Details & Working Hours


Fiona, Shaman Medicine Name : SilverButterfly, and Hopi Name given by Elders: LightFeather-Beam, is the owner of the Portal of Alchemy (a Holistic Healing Centre in Westville North (South Africa)) created a space in Durban for personal transform and alchemy.

Metaphysical Teacher; Intuitive Empath Energy Healer; Earth Angel; Light Worker; Higher Rays and DNA Activator; Reiki Master; Merkabah Activator; AEH Trainer and Practitioner; Crystal & Sound therapist as well as a Spiritual Counselor.

I use my knowledge and experience of a variety of modalities with the assistance of my Spirit Teachers and Guides to effect personal transformation in my clients.

“I harmonize in order to reflect, Modelling Order.
I seal the Matrix of Endlessness with the Galactic Tone of Integrity
I am Guided by the Power of Spirit”

I’ve been healing clients all over the world which has fulfilled my life, and can do the same for you.

“I feel blessed to live my passion and share my gift of healing with you. I am doing what I came here to do in the first place, to contributing my part in the awakening process.

YOU have the ability to transform yourself, your life, I’m just the facilitator, shining my light in the areas you need most.”


Services at the Portal of Alchemy are:

•Chakra Balancing and Alignment;
•Aura cleansing and Protection;
•DNA Activation;
•Soul Retrieval;
•Applied Energy Healing and Counselling;
•Crystal Merkabah / Light Body Activations Level 1 and 2 (can be done remotely as well);
•Thursday evenings Circles (for group healing and spiritual development);
•Opening up of Spiritual Path (Spiritual Counselling);
•Intuitive Angel Card Readings;
•Metaphysical Weekend Workshops Facilitator.