Semper Strong 3.68

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751-14 Koehler Ave
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
United States

About Semper Strong

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You may be strong, but are you Semper Strong?

Semper Strong


Is this gym CrossFit? What is the difference?
No. We are not a CrossFit. We believe that there is a diversified approach to training and there is no one way ticket to getting to the best you. Our programming is based on the HIIT theory (High Intensity Interval Training) and they are tailored to the individual’s needs, as opposed to what is ‘recommended’ for the gender and group.

Do you do speed training?
Speed and agility training are incorporated in all of the workouts. Our workouts consist of plyometric movements increasing your fast twitch muscles translating to an increase in speed.

Plyometric workouts can boost your running speed; therefore, your performance has the potential to greatly improve. Even if you are involved in an activity that does not involve running, plyometric workouts can still help you to throw farther or punch harder. Plyometric training can help you achieve almost all athletic goals.
Plyometric training can also teach the endurance athlete to produce muscular force more efficiently; this efficiency is realized through the body learning to produce more force for less energy expenditure. Thus this saving in energy cost can be recouped towards the end of any endurance type activity (i.e. the energy savings made at the beginning of the competition is now available in abundance for the end game).

See more at:

I hate running. Will I have to run?
The goal is to take movements and exercises you hate and turn them into movements that you tolerate or even begin to like/love. We are yet to meet someone who enjoys a burpee. However, we still do them!

“Burpees increase aerobic capacity when performed at a high intensity, getting your heart rate up – fast! Strength – The burpee is a full body strength training exercise and the ultimate example of functional fitness. With every rep, you'll work your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and abs.”

Where does your equipment come from?
Semper Strong does not look like any other facility and we utilize both the inside and outside of the space. The reason for this is attributed to Dean, owner of Black Widow Training Gear. We call him the mad scientist and mastermind of Semper Strong. Dean Schantz is an incredibly creative individual and a U.S. Marine. He customizes gym equipment for both gyms and homes. His expertise in the area of fitness led him to this incredible career of creating the most functional equipment, maximizing results for all of our athletes. We will be posting videos with individual pieces and their uses for all interested in purchasing your own equipment. See for more information and stay tuned for the exciting videos to come.

What can I expect during classes? Are all the classes the same?
Classes are modified to fit all levels and goals within the class. Instructors know their class make-up prior to class based on the online sign-in. Classes are then made accordingly. Every instructor has their own style and it is recommended that you see all of them for the best results. Each class is different as you will NEVER do the same class twice even after years and years of attending! The purpose is to constantly shock the body to maximize results!

I don’t have the time.
We love this comment because….do you have the time to brush your teeth? Yes. Everyone has the time to commit to being the best you. In order to be the best you, in all that you do, you must feel the best and have the energy to complete the activities within your daily hectic life. We have classes at all times in order to assist you in meeting your goals, accommodating even the most intense schedules. We also tailor your program for your schedule. For example, when our adult athletes have gone on vacation or are having a tough week, we provide workouts for them to do with the resources they have at that time. No excuses.

I’m injured. Now what?
Some recent posts in regards to training through injury taken from our Semper Spotlights:

After getting some messages in regards to how to get Lori's results despite an ankle injury.... I realized that I should probably explain some of my own background for those that are hesitant or worried with their own limitations to ease your minds.... Having had physical athletic injuries myself many times (2 ACL surgeries, 1 shoulder reconstruction, 1 ankle surgery)....all from intense competition: basketball games, CrossFit regionals, and obstacle course racing.... the benefit that's come out of all my injuries and my inability to stick to just one type of fitness all my life was I learned a lot lol....I learned to work closely with my physical therapists and sports rehab doctors and to follow their direction. (champion performance with Ken and James is perfect as well as long island sports and rehab with Lois).........
I learned:
a. What to not do in training
b. What areas need to be strengthened in order to prevent injury
c. How to cope with an injury mentally
d. How to continue to exercise during an injury
E. How to still get good results during injury
f. What not to do to avoid certain physiques (I learned this the hard way - lol)
g. There is not one way to do things and you must be open-minded and dedicated to become a well-rounded athlete. Many areas of expertise is necessary in doing so with my mistakes and my own journey, the HIIT program was created and all of the trainers at Semper Strong can assist everyone no matter what the level/necessary modification may be. - Katy Forman

Semper Strong Spotlight!
Gina Williams, 10 years old
Diagnosis: Scoliosis
Result improvements from April 2015 to May 2016 after strength training with her mom, Jully Williams at Semper Strong! Jully decided to go against the doctors thoughts of possible need for a brace or surgery in the future and took matters into her own hands. She stayed consistent with training with her daughter at Semper Strong focusing on core improvement and overall strength for her daughter. This decision has paid off! Go Jully and Gina!!!!!!!
April 2015, Initial Results:
LClinical History 9-year-old female for scoliosis evaluation.
Technique Erect PA and lateral view of the thoracolumbar spine. Comparison No prior images available for comparison. Findings There is mild S-shaped scoliosis with right thoracic curve and left thoracolumbar curve. No appreciable pelvic tilt. There are no additional abnormal curves in the sagittal plane. Vertebral bodies and disc spaces are maintained. No evidence of vertebral anomaly. Visualized bones are well mineralized. Visualized lungs are grossly clear without evidence of consolidation, large pleural effusion, or pulmonary vascular congestion. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. Breast shields are identified. There is a nonobstructive bowel gas pattern. Impression Mild S-shaped scoliosis with right thoracic and left thoracolumbar curves..
October 2015: Condition gets worse resulting in July and Gina starting at Semper Strong shortly after this appointment:
Technique Frontal views of the entire spine. Comparison 04/13/2015. Findings Mild S-shaped curvature of the thoracolumbar spine all with right thoracic curve and left thoracolumbar curve. Mild increase in the lumbar component. No acute fractures are noted. The included lung fields are clear. Impression S-shaped curvature of the thoracolumbar spine with mild increase in the left lumbar component.
May 2015: Gina’s condition shows improvement resulting from her consistent training with a focus on her core at Semper Strong!!!!!!
Result type: Spine,entire/erect Pa Result date:
Clinical History Evaluate scoliosis. Findings In this patient with a complex but very mild curve, left upper thoracic, right lower thoracic, and left thoracolumbar, there is mild interval improvement in the curves. The osseous structures are otherwise unremarkable. Included lungs are clear. Nonobstructive bowel gas pattern. Impression Complex curves as well as right complex described above, slightly improved from the prior.
We will keep you mentally in the game, despite an injury. Take care of yourself and work towards the best you.