Grooming by Torey 2.23

5 star(s) from 8 votes
47 Woodruff Rd
New Egypt, NJ 08533
United States

About Grooming by Torey

Contact Details & Working Hours


Grooming by Torey

All Dogs should be groomed at 4-6 week intervals to maintain the wellbeing of their skin and coat.

Booking your appointments in advanced can help you keep your pet on a maintenance program, and assure you the time , date and results you most desire.

This also keeps the cost of the grooming process to a minimum.

Extra charges will be added to pets that do not come in on a regular basis, as there is more work involved in the grooming process. These fees are at my discretion upon examination of the pet .
Certain factors that can affect the standard process are skin and coat condition, temperament, and styling.

Common Questions asked……….

Why should my pet be groomed 4-6 weeks?
Your pets skin and coat are susceptible to collecting many pollutants , allergens, and “critters” that can damage and destroy . With regular grooming practices we can prevent the occurrence of an unhealthy environment for disease to thrive. The goal of grooming your pet should be to maintain a happy healthy pet.

But my pet has short hair why should I do him so often?
All the more reason a regular conditioning bath and re-moisturizer is needed. Your pets coat does not have the length to protect him . It is just as important to keep the skin nourished and to stimulate and replenish oils in the coat to keep your pet healthy . Short hair dogs require 30% more oils than med. or long hair dogs.

What does the grooming process consist of?
All my grooming includes a sanitary clip , nails trimmed, ears cleaned out , if there is hair in your pets ears I will remove as much as possible ,some ears ,however cannot be pulled due to the condition of the ear, we will recommend a vet visit. Bathing specific to your pets needs , drying and style. It is on the average a 2 hour procedure for most pets in a maintained coat.

Pets shed skin as we do , about every 21 days, which is why we recommend grooming to be performed every 4-6 weeks. This removes the dead skin and coat and cleans and re-moisturizes the healthy skin and coat .

When pets are overdue for their grooming we often have to try to repair damaged skin and coat with special treatments. We offer SPA Therapy for your pet!

It has been proven in recent studies that regular grooming and bathing are NOT harmful to you pet as it had been considered to be in the past. With proper shampoos and conditioners for skin and coat a pet can look and feel good all the time! MY goal is to maintain a healthy environment on your pet for his coat to look its best and do its ever so important function of protection!

Additional Services available :

Teeth Brushed - 3.00

Anal Glands - 10.00

Fancy Bows- 3.00 - 5.00 each

Feathers - 2.00 - 4.00 each

Nail Polish - 10.00

Semi Permanent Hair Coloring(Mohawks, ears , tail ) 5.00 per area, please allow extra time!

Earrings, and Bling..(no I don’t pierce!) they are stuck on the hair only, depends on how elaborate we get. - 2.00 -10.00

Spa Therapy Treatments

Light Spa Treatment / hydrate-cleanse-hydrate
For pets with specific issues as oiliness or shedding.

* An elite service to pamper the maintained pet.

Deep Spa Treatment/ detoxify-cleanse-hydrate
For pets with specific skin issues, severe cases as in skin cancer, allergies, bacterial and fungal, and metabolic.

Therapy Treatments are recommended on a once a week session for a period of at least 6 weeks.

All Treatment plans are designed to treat skin and coat issues. For optimum results they should have a diagnosis from a Veterinarian as to type of skin issue, if medications are needed, and be addressed inside out.

*Good Nutrition is also key to a healthy pet.*

The Treatment Process
For Skin Conditions:

Light or Deep Spa treatments are to improve the health of the skin and coat of your pet , this process begins with an evaluation of the skin and coat . We need to determine the cause, and then we can plan a Course of action for therapy . It is best if a veterinarian can examine your pet to know precisely the cause of problem. Is it fungal ? Is it Bacterial? Is it Metabolic? Once we know what we are dealing with and you are doing everything needed to help heal from the inside out, we will beguine with a commitment to at least 6 weeks of treatment.
Spending much of the treatment process in the tub, allowing the elements of the treatment process to do their job, your pet will enjoy massage and a soothing bath and rinse. Followed up by hand drying ,brush out, And if needed Grooming.
All products used are specifically designed to detoxify , cleanse and hydrate damaged skin and coat. From Flea bite dermatitis to seborrhea and many more , these treatments help heal and restore your pets natural barrier to the elements . Each pet will have their own specific Course of action as to which products are needed. All products are made for dogs ,PH Balanced, and have been proven to work case after case.
For the Pampered Pet in your home, sometimes we just like to give them a little something special!

Luxury Bathing Package, With our Black Passion Line , your pet will receive a wonderful treatment that leaves them feeling silky and smelling delicious . And your pet will like it too!

A Light Spa Treatment , is always a nice treat to give our pets .

Maybe they have had a stay at a kennel while Mom and Dad were on vacation?

Maybe, it is a long winter and the heat in the house is very drying to their coat?

Maybe we just had an operation or a medical procedure?

Maybe we swim a lot ? ( this one is my favorite for irritating skin)

Maybe we have seasonal allergies!

In a light Spa Treatment, we can formulate to your pets skin and coat type . This can be a part of a grooming procedure , to give an extra boost, without the need for weekly treatments, just for “a something special “for a healthy coat.