Carlisle Avenue Baptist Church 3.84

3548 Taylor Blvd
Louisville, KY 40215
United States

About Carlisle Avenue Baptist Church

Contact Details & Working Hours


(502) 363-2606
Service Times
*Wednesday Night Youth-6-8pm
*Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting-6:30pm
*Sunday Bible Study - 9:30 a.m.
*Sunday Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m.
*Sunday Evening Worship - 6:00 p.m.

Carlisle Core Values:
1. Commitment to Biblical Truth (2 Timothy 3:16 - 4:2)
Christ is central and the Bible is His word. Therefore, the Word of God is the source and power of all of our teaching, preaching, and ministry.

2.Authentic Diverse Community (Acts 2:42-44, Revelation 5:9-10, Hebrews 10:24-25)
God redeems sinners with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, socio-economic levels, ages, educational experiences, and giftings. As a faith family, we share in a genuine life experience as broken sinners saved by Jesus.

3.Organic Worship (Romans 12:1-2, John 4:23-23)
Our corporate worship will be relevant and responsive, presented to God out of the overflow of our grateful hearts. Christ is our righteousness, sufficiency, and treasure. All of life is an offering of worship to Him for His glory.

4. Life on Life Discipleship (Matthew 28:18-20)
As a group of Christ-followers, we desire to live relationally with the people in our community. Through the message and power of the gospel, we evangelize unbelievers, establish new believers in the faith, equip growing believers to make disciples, and export them into faithful ministry in their sphere of influence.

5. Engaging the Nations (Acts 1:8)
We will focus our prayer and resources in order to mobilize disciples to impact unreached and under-reached people groups both locally and around the world.

6.Holistic Ministry (The Gospels, Matt 22:27-39, Luke 4:18-19, Matt 25:31-46)
We believe that sin yields brokenness to the whole person. While we understand that an individual’s ultimate need is a spiritual one (the gospel of Jesus Christ), we seek to minister to the whole person, as Jesus did. By doing this, the Church displays the love of Jesus Christ and points broken sinners to their ultimate need, a relationship with Him.

7.Family Equipping and Restoration (Eph. 6:12, Eph. 5:18-6:4, Deut. 6)
We believe that God has ordained the family and the church to be the primary entities by which He advances His Kingdom on earth. Today’s families are under spiritual attack more than ever before. Therefore, we give particular emphasis to fostering and equipping families for Godliness. We desire all of our ministries to encourage, equip, and support the individual family. Additionally, CABC strives to be a family of families, taking spiritual responsibility and concern where brokenness exists. Through the power of the gospel, we seek to eliminate gender role confusion, encourage healthy marriages, equip parents, minister and assist single parents, facilitate a culture of adoption for spiritual and biological orphans and encourage the overall health of the family.

8.Dependency on Prayer (Ps. 127:1, Phil. 4:4-7, 1 Thess. 5:16-18)
We acknowledge at Carlisle Avenue Baptist Church that “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it (Psalm 127:1).” Therefore, our aim is that all of our ministries would be built upon and driven by God-focused prayer. We are committed to individually and corporately offering up prayers of praise, repentance, thanksgiving, and supplication.

9. Joyful Sacrificial Giving (Rom. 8:32, Rom. 12:1, Matt. 13:44, Acts 2:42-48, 2 Cor. 8 & 9)
God is infinitely and perfectly benevolent, and lavishly gives from His own will with no expectation of repayment. He demonstrates this attribute most clearly in our salvation when He did not spare his only Son, but gave Him up as a sacrifice for undeserving, rebellious sinners with no ability to repay Him. In response to this ultimate sacrificial gift, individual Christ-followers should display a lifestyle given back to God in joyful surrender. Everything we have belongs to Him and we are stewards of it. This is displayed when individuals and our corporate church lavishly give our resources, time and talents to one another and to those who have need for the sake of the gospel for the glory of God.


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