CapoFit 2.99

26351 Junipero Serra Rd
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
United States

About CapoFit

Contact Details & Working Hours


On Ramp Program
Our 2-day On Ramp Program is the perfect introduction to the movements and methods used in functional fitness. You will learn new terminology used only in functional fitness, go through a brief warm up, and learn how to properly execute functional movements such as the squat, press and dead lift. There will be a workout at the end of each session using the movements you just learned.

Available Times:
- Week days 7am, 8am, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm

* Other times available upon request

Functional Fitness Classes
Constantly Varied, Functional Movements, performed at High Intensity. This class is the foundation of CapoFit. There is no doubt that you will be challenged physically and mentally in this class. Using a combination of Olympic lifting, Power lifting, and Gymnastics to form the workout, each day is different and you will keep your body guessing what is next.

*Completion of CapoFit On Ramp Program is required before attending this class

CapoFit Speed & Endurance
Our CapoFit Speed and Endurance class is designed to help you build a solid foundation of core strength and stamina that is a fundamental component of functional fitness. It uses the less complex movements seen in functional fitness, such as kettlebell swings, box Jumps,and rowing to establish and build your cardiovascular base. Just as functional fitness is always constantly varied, so is our Speed and Endurance class, no class is ever the same workout. Our Speed and Endurance classes will improve your speed, agility, endurance and sculpt your body into a toned fat burning machine. Classes are 30-45 minutes of high intensity high energy workouts that are guaranteed to leave you wanting more. While safe and effective for those new to functional fitness training, don’t be fooled, these classes will challenge even the best athletes.

Olympic Weightlifting Class
This class will take all participants through the complete technical progressions of the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, and all associated movements including Power Snatch, Power Clean, Power Jerk, Squat variations, and pulling progressions. Open to men and women of all skill levels, you will receive specific feedback and critique from our coaches on your technique and execution of these lifts.

Power Lifting Class
Very similar to the Olympic weightlifting class, Power lifting, which originally evolved from a sport known as “Odd Lifts”, is a strength class focused on the following three lifts: Squat, Bench Press, and Dead lift. Is this class you will be coached on your technique and execution of these lifts and given hands on instruction on how to improve your form.

Open Gym
During the hours when no group class is in session, or if you book Open Gym time in advance, you may use our facility and equipment to work on whatever you would like. Our house is your house as long as you clean up after yourself… and we mean that. Open Gym is perfect for those of you who are self motivated and want to better their own skills on their own time. Open

Small Group Training
Booked in advance, one of our expert coaches will train your small group of 2-4 people through any skill, lift or workout that you choose. Whether you want to spend 1 hour with your friends all doing a workout together or you all want to get better at your double unders, muscle ups, or clean & jerk. A small group session is a surefire way to get better and have fun.

Class Schedule
5:45am, 9am, 10am, 5pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm

9am, 10am, 5pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm

5:45am, 9am, 10am, 5pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm

9am, 10am, 5pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm

5:45am, 9am, 10am, 5pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm


Pricing may vary*