PTBenLee Personal Training 2.83

Sparta Coventry, Earlsdon, westwood RD
Coventry, CV5
United Kingdom

About PTBenLee Personal Training

Contact Details & Working Hours


We dont stick you on a cardio machine for half the session and we dont stick you on fixed resistance machine, where you just won't be challeged enough.

Many people when going to the gym take part in isolation exercises which tends to only work one joint at a time. We really don't want someone just focussing on getting one area of their body bigger. E.g. completing bicep curls to gain size in their biceps or similarly tricep extensions to build the triceps. Over working one muscle is a recipe for injuries and muscle imbalances. Isolation can change your muscles in a way that makes them weaker in positions used during everyday life and sports. How often do you complete the motion of a bicep curl in everyday life?

Instead, what we teach is compound
movements that work several muscle groups at once; a far more beneficial and effective addition to your workout session.

Bored with your exercise routine, bored of the hamster wheel! (treadmill).

Let's be creative and move! :)

As you develop into your workouts with us you will see improvements in movement, posture, flexibility, strength, conditioning and cardiovascular capacity.

PREVENT injury, improve posture, improve joint health, feel less tight, lose weight, gain muscle with my sessions.

One to One personal training sessions, learn BALANCE CO-ORDINATION, STRENGTH AGILITY, SPEED and overal body strength! in our 45 minute sessions! bring a friend or partner along and share the costs!

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