Mind Matters 2

London, SW13 0PT
United Kingdom

About Mind Matters

Contact Details & Working Hours


Hypnotherapy can be highly effective for the treatment of many behavioural, physical or emotional aspects of one's life that one may wish to change or improve.

I am clinical hypnotherapist, trained at the prestigious London College of Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH) and a member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BSCH) whose associates are required to adhere to their rigorous code of Ethics and Practice.

The training has not only equipped me with a wide range of hypnotherapeutic techniques to safely and ethically use with patients but also the therapeutic skills to be able to apply the techniques. This involves solutions focused therapy, psychodynamic therapy, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy(REBT), Mindfulness, Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT). I also use a number of NLP techniques and am trained to carry out EMDR, which is particularly effective for cases which require more analytical work, such as trauma.

No problem is too small or too large and it is extremely rewarding to see the positive results that can be achieved with patients who have a goal, are motivated to change an aspect of their life and who seek my support to guide them to that change.