Milecastle 2 3.02

Newcastle upon Tyne, NE26 4B
United Kingdom

About Milecastle 2

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Milecastle 2 was a milecastle of the Roman Hadrian's Wall. No remains are currently visible, having been built over, but its probable location is at or near the junction of the A187 Fossway and Tunstall Avenue.ConstructionMilecastle 2 was a short-axis milecastle of unknown gateway type. Short-axis milecastles were thought to have been constructed by the legio II Augusta who were based in Isca Augusta (Caerleon).Excavations and investigations1732 - Horsley surveyed the milecastle, noting visible remains and recording its position 1848 - Collingwood Bruce studied the wall and found the site to have been covered by a brick kiln. 1852-4 - Henry MacLauchlan surveyed the milecastle's position, reporting it as short-axis, and recorded.1928 - FG Simpson attempted to locate the site, but despite the previous removal of the brick kiln, found only Roman occupation earth and debris. He recorded distances from the presumed location to the centre of Milecastle 1 as 1453yd, and to the centre of Milecastle 3 as 1453yd.