Astra Sheepdog Centre 3.94

York Cottage
Shipton, TF13 6QW
United Kingdom

About Astra Sheepdog Centre

Contact Details & Working Hours


"Fine dogs of whatever breed are things of beauty.
The consistent production of them through the intelligent employment of the laws of heredity to perpetuate the desirable in the ancestral germ plasma's and to eliminate the undesirable is artistry of a high order.
And it is as an art, with a full awareness of it as such, and only so, that the breeding of dogs should be seriously undertaken"
- Kyle Onstott -

From before I can even remember I have been involved in breeding animals; my Mum bred race horses successfully, my Dad was the first importer of Brahman cattle into Southern Africa, developing the herd to 1000 head and becoming the leading breeder, authority and International Judge, we also used labradors and standard poodles to retrieve wild duck and pigeon, these dogs were also pets and used for breeding replacement working dogs.

Since 1987, my whole life has revolved around my Border Collies (and sheep). By the year 2000 I had a well developed plan of where and what qualities I wanted to have, retain or develop etc. into my working Border Collies in the years to come, developing a Strain of Border Collies that are recognisable as "ASTRA"'s.

To achieve this;
I retain a certain percentage of pups bred,
I train these Border Collie pups to be useful sheepdogs, learning for myself how good they are to train and work with
I use these dogs for real jobs around the farm and contract shepherding work on othre farms,
I follow closely as much as possible all the pups I have bred.
we do not purposely inbreed but if a mating accident happens we take full advantage of learning from what God and Nature gives to us, the good and the bad - in order to make better informed decisions on future pairings, read here for more details of inbreeding vs linebreeding.

I am constantly researching and watching to seek out new Stud dogs and females which will improve and compliment our bloodlines, with the specific traits that I consider to be useful in the development of "The ASTRA SHEEPDOG" a strain of working and herding Border Collie with great character and temperament, trainability, structure, agility and stamina all coupled with the "Off Switch".

I shall continue to research into health issues of all descriptions and record dogs afflicted with overshot jaws, crypt and monorchidism, fertility problems, bad mothering ability, sound sensitive, aggressiveness, nervousness, hyperactivity without the "off switch" and endeavour to decrease and finally to try to make extinct within our bloodlines, all the above problems together with the ones pointed below once the affliction is discovered to be of herediatary nature.

Astra Sheepdogs have always been dedicated to the welfare and improvement of the border collie; by education and leadership and in the last 25 years has done more than the International Sheepdog Society (I.S.D.S.) “rules for registration” require, endeavouring to ensure the optimal health of the Astra bloodlines.
1991 - 2005 Astra Sheepdogs ran a voluntary programme of eye testing, every litter born, for CEA; until Optigen released the gene test for CEA in 2005.
From 2005 Astra Sheepdogs have DNA tested all of its dogs for CEA, pre-empting the ISDS making this a rule in 2013.
Since 2000 - the Astra Sheepdog stud dogs and 50% of bitches or their parents have been Hip scored (Astra do not believe in placing dogs under the risks associated with sedation for something which has not been a problem in the REAL working sheepdog). The ISDS has not yet included this into registration requirements.
Astra Sheepdogs are confident in the Hip health of its dogs and offers a guarantee on hips as described on its website.
From 2001 - Astra Sheepdogs microchipped every puppy pre-empting the ISDS making this a rule in 2013.
2012 - Astra Sheepdogs started a Goniodysgenesis (Primary Glaucoma) of all Stud dogs (bitches will be done as finance allows). The ISDS has not yet included this into registration requirements.
2012 - Astra Sheepdogs started a TNS testing program starting with all Stud dogs (bitches will be done as finance allows). The ISDS has not yet included this into registration requirements.
Astra Sheepdogs maintain extensive records and encourage owners to report factually on their dogs’ wellbeing, temperament, success and progress throughout the life of the dog.

As an Astra Sheepdog owner you are required to notify us: -
Informing us by EMAIL or SKYPE message or if urgent by telephone - leave message. (We will not communicate through social media websites NOR will we tolerate any health notifications being placed “without our written permission” onto any social media websites)
To give us the FIRST opportunity to give help and advice if something goes wrong with your Astra dog.
BEFORE: - Breeding from your dog
BEFORE: - Re-homing or selling your dog – giving us the opportunity to help you or purchase your dog from you.
As an Astra Sheepdog Owner, you are required to advise us by EMAIL or snail mail of ANY non routine veterinary procedures including but not restricted to: - (if urgent help required please contact us using SKYPE message or by telephone - leave message. (We will not communicate through social media websites NOR will we tolerate any health notifications being placed “without our written permission” onto any social media websites)
DNA testing results with “proof of testing” in hard copy or scanned document. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Border Collie Health Database or on Anadune.
Hip Scoring results with “proof of testing” in hard copy or scanned document. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Border Collie Health Database or on Anadune.
Elbow Scoring results with “proof of testing” in hard copy or scanned document. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Border Collie Health Database or on Anadune.
Floating Patella with “proof of testing” in hard copy or scanned document. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Border Collie Health Database or on Anadune.
OCD = shoulder dysplasia with “proof of testing” in hard copy or scanned document. Once we have confirmed to you,in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Border Collie Health Database or on Anadune.
Testicle retention with “proof of testing” in hard copy or scanned document. Once we have confirmed to you,in writing,that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Border Collie Health Database or on Anadune.
Epilepsy or ANY form of fitting regardless of diagnoses - with full veterinary documentation and details of the procedure reached to provide a definitive diagnosis. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Border Collie Health Database or on Anadune.
BCCS = Border Collie Collapse Syndrome - with full veterinary documentation and details of the procedure reached to provide a definitive diagnosis. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Border Collie Health Database or on Anadune.
Colabomin deficiency and B vitamin12 and folate malabsorption - full veterinary documentation and details of the procedure reached to provide a definitive diagnosis. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Health Database or on
Addison’s disease - with full veterinary documentation and details of the procedure reached to provide a definitive diagnosis. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Border Collie Health Database or on Anadune.
Diabetes - with full veterinary documentation and details of the procedure reached to provide a definitive diagnosis. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Border Collie Health Database or on Anadune.
Progressive eye diseases – including but not limited to regardless of age: PRA, Glaucoma, reduced tear formation, cataracts certified by a specialist examinations. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Health Database or on
Hearing Loss – including but not limited injury and regardless of age partial or full and certified by a specialist with full veterinary documentation and details of the procedure reached to provide a definitive diagnosis. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Health Database or on
Heart Defects – including but not limited to age related conditions with full veterinary documentation and details of the procedure reached to provide a definitive diagnosis. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Health Database or on
Cereal food allergy - with full veterinary documentation and details of the procedure reached to provide a definitive diagnosis. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Health Database or on
ANYTHING ELSE. We must be informed, in writing, of anything your Veterinary Surgeon considers COULD be of a hereditary, genetic or congenital cause - with full veterinary documentation and details of the procedures reached to provide a definitive diagnosis. Once we have confirmed to you, in writing, that we have received notification; you may place this information onto the relative Health Database or on

As you will realise – we require full evidence from your vet or testing body in order to record these details into our records and decide if any compensation may be appropriate – each and every case is different and your input will be much appreciated and will be treated as an individual accordingly.

Please, we NEED your help, to continue the improvement of our breeding program and so we can offer a specialistand caring advice service to our owners and other Border collie enthusiasts. Please, be our eyes and ears; become our spokesperson – pass the following message to all around you =

“Janet Beale cares deeply about her puppies; from before their conception all the way on their journey to Rainbow Bridge, she cares desperately about her own dogs, the success of her students and all her Astra Sheepdog Owners; caring for you all as part of her extended family, she really wants to be involved, but recent illness and external stresses of life have interfered with the ideal customer relations, Janet asks you all to participate in the gathering of this information and to please be patient, polite and persistent as good mutual communication is the key to your success with Astra Sheepdogs.”