Art SPACE 2.65

The Bureau- Centre for the Arts, St John's, Victoria Street
Blackburn, BB16DW
United Kingdom

Contact Details & Working Hours


Art SPACE is a monthly event where people get together to share creativity. We have the space to exhibit work if people bring something along ; creative activities running; a digital slideshow of work that people can submit to; and a stage for performance- dance, singing, music, poetry etc. We try and book in some acts, but also have an open mic slot available for people to participate on the night. We are trying a number of other activities as part of it- life drawing, interactive installations, photography etc, and are open and welcoming to any creative ideas for things to do with / at the event. All submissions are welcome- whether you are already successful or whether it is your first attempt at something - you may be 5, 25,55,95 - all ages are welcome. This is a grassroots, bring what you would like to find, get out what you put in , community collective type of event. It would be lovely if you want to come along and be involved. You don't have to contribute anything other than your presence- unless of course you want to!