Anthony Nolan 1.33

2 Heathgate Place, 75-87 Agincourt Road
London, NW32NU
United Kingdom

About Anthony Nolan

Contact Details & Working Hours


House Rules

Welcome to our Facebook page. We have created this page for you to share comments, feedback, questions, photos and videos. We want you to feel safe and comfortable using this page so please have a look at our House Rules.


People who use this page often want to post messages of support for loved ones who have been diagnosed with a blood cancer. This is a really great thing to do, but we need to make sure you are aware of data protection requirements concerning privacy.

If you want to name individuals who have been diagnosed with a medical condition, you must get their explicit consent before doing so.

To protect privacy, we may remove posts which reveal confidential information about patients, transplants, any of our donors (including donors of blood stem cells , bone marrow or umbilical cord blood ), or anything relating to collections from our donors. You can find out more about data protection and privacy on the Information Commissioner’s website: or our website:

Medical Concerns

People may post medical tips and ideas in the page. Please remember that any content posted here should not be considered medical advice. You should discuss any questions or concerns about your health with your healthcare professional(s).


Please keep all posts relevant and respectful of others. This is a safe space for people to communicate safely and comfortably. Anthony Nolan may, at our sole discretion, remove any posts which we consider inappropriate or offensive, including posts which are harassing, abusive, obscene, hateful, racist, sexist or homophobic, as well as posts which promote commercial products or illegal activities, or which violate Facebook’s terms of service. If you continue to post inappropriate or offensive messages we may remove you from the page.

Our Facebook page is normally only monitored by us Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm excluding bank holidays in England and Wales.

If you think someone is misusing the page or breaking the House Rules, or if you have any feedback on how to make this group a better space, please contact: