MakerBar 5.1

Taipei, 100

About MakerBar

Contact Details & Working Hours


MakerBar持續關注科技與創意的趨勢,透過社群共創的方式合作專案與探討社會創新的議題,整合Maker&設計師及藝術家以原型開發來驗證科技與藝術的疆界。 MakerBar作為一個創意平台,同時以數位設計X在地製造為訴求,向全球設計師募集數位工藝作品,進行小量客製化的合作生產與銷售。 MakerBar也提供實體共同工作空間與數位製造工坊讓台灣設計師進行創意產品開發與實踐。

MakerBar is a maker has been putting its attention to the trend of technology and creative applications, advancing co-working projects between different communities to explore innovative solutions for social issues, while providing a platform for artists and designers to test the border between art and technology via prototyping. As MakerBar is acting as a platform for creativities, with the mean to promote digital fabrication and local production, it calls works from international designers, artists to help them for manufacturing of their work in small quantity. MakerBar also hosts co-working spaces and digital fabrication workshops to help Taiwan Designers for their practice and RD processes.

MakerBar 特色:
-備有數位製造機器, 如3D印表機, 雷射切割機 (陸續增加中)
-實施會員制度, 讓空間與經營內容能持續茁壯、豐富
-每日開放, 會員24小時進入
-具備co-working共同工作空間, 提供新創團隊進駐, 讓不同的能量交集衝撞, 帶來驚喜。

MakerBar Taipei提供的設備及服務:
-機器設備: 3D印表機, 雷射切割機 (陸續增加中)
-Co-working space 共同工作空間

地址: 台北市大安區安和路一段112巷7號B1