Cercle 5

5F, No. 201, Sec. 4, ZhongXiao East Road
Taipei, 106

About Cercle

Cercle Cercle is a well known place listed as Lounge in Taipei , Dance & Night Club in Taipei ,

Contact Details & Working Hours




Cercle 就是為了這個目的而誕生的。

坐落於台北市東區的中心,Cercle 的地利之便適合各路的好友在此相聚。一進入 Cercle,映入眼簾的是私密的圓弧形包廂;半圓的造型恰到好處地圈著幾個知心好友,與 Cercle 小圈圈的概念相互呼應。除了較為私密的圓弧形包廂之外,主舞台的兩側也有偌大的寬敞包廂,由舞池的兩翼向上昇起,凌駕於 Cercle 全場視線之上;突出的地理位置除了提供最臨場的聲光震撼外,更能近距離享受 Cercle 為貴賓量身訂做的舞台演出。不僅適合高調一點的小圈圈,更適合擴展您的小圈圈。無論是低調的私密圓弧包廂,抑或是顯目吸睛的大型包廂,都能享有 Cercle 為每個大小圈圈所精心挑選的頂級香檳收藏;在香檳的催化與簇擁下,Cercle 讓每個圈圈彼此靠得更近。

Cercle 要讓您找回屬於自己的小圈圈。

Located in the heart of downtown Taipei, Cercle is the epicenter of our daily lives. Upon entering the club, arc-shaped booths encircling round tables hint its main theme that you surely won’t miss. These circle-themed booths provide an area for guests who desire a more private, VIP environment while still having access to the energy of the dance floor. Positioned at the forefront of the dance floor is the DJ area, designed with its celebrated artists in mind. The space is complete with a custom DJ booth and elevated performance platform, all enveloped with huge LED screens.

At both wings of the stage lies the oversized VIP booths that surround the dance floor, offering a high-energy experience for table guests who wish to be at the center of the action. All tables are blessed with Cercle’s exquisite selection of the finest champagnes that are dedicated to the intimacy of every circles that cross-pathed at Cercle.

Cercle redefines your circles.