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Taipei, 114

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ABOOK STUDIO 為攝影師/導演 林炳存 攝影棚、提供平面、動態的影像服務。

平面攝影|平面影像設計|平面製作物規劃設計|活動錄影側拍剪輯|造型設計|藝人經紀|活動宣傳|前製編劇發想|MV/廣告拍攝|原創音樂製作|動態剪接|後期製作 |攝影棚租借

ABOOK STUDIO 攝影師:林炳存/阿元/阿冠/Ash


ABOOK STUDIO Online 不僅是林炳存攝影師攝影棚官網,也提供來自世界各地的時尚,攝影,藝術,文化相關資訊。ABOOK STUDIO 出版之時尚攝影雜誌 ABOOK MAGAZINE 可在 www.abookstudio.com 免費預覽. 2016/08 開始將在個大線上書城販售


ABOOK STUDIO is a vertically integrated media production house with complete services in print and video production. Founded and lead by renowned fashion photographer/director Joshua Lin (林炳存), ABOOK STUDIO is a family of professional, passionate, and creative personnel with over 30 years of experience in photography, film, fashion, design, and music production. Our portfolio consists of hundreds and thousands of magazine covers, editorials, commercial print, album covers, music videos, TV commercials and more.

Our clients include many multinational companies in the cosmetics industry as well as those in retail, luxury goods, F&B, media, and technology sectors. With studios in Taipei, Shanghai, and Beijing, Joshua Lin (林炳存) is the most trusted and sought after photographer and director in the Asia-Pacific region.

We provide services in:
Print Photography | Video Production: MV & CF | Post-Production Editing | Event Video & Photography | A&R Consulting | Creative Concept and Scriptwriting | Fashion Styling | Graphics & Print Design | Artist & Model Management | Music Composing & Licensing | Events Marketing| Studio Rental

ABOOK STUDIO Photographers: Joshua Lin/Kuan/ A-Yuan/ Ash

For our Company Profile please contact info@abookstudio.com

ABOOK STUDIO Online also provides fashion, photography, film, art, and cultural news. ABOOK MAGAZINE which is also published bi-monthly by ABOOK STUDIO can also be previewed on www.abookstudio.com or purchased on various online Bookstores.