呈元綺 4.7

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Kaohsiung, 802

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曾任華航空服員的老闆娘 因為長期處於乾燥高艙壓的客艙中 造成膚質粗糙 暗瘡痘痘反覆生長 需一直厚重妝感遮掩坑洞瑕疵 對於愛漂亮的她很是困擾!!
又長期深受過敏之苦的宛薰闆娘 不相信要一輩子靠著藥品過日子 故不辭辛勞到各處尋求適合肌膚的最優配方!在這過程中 失敗的次數不勝計數 但是都無法打擊她強韌的好勝心!!!
在2015年初 期滿10年的空服生涯 就在老公的鼓勵之下 毅然決然地劃下句點了! 自此 更是投入全部心力 到處拜求好藥材及好內料 希望能做出任何肌膚都能安心使用的好產品!
Both Kano, who served at a foreign company, and his stewardess wife, had been searching for a care product fit for their sensitive skin. Therefore, they began to try all kinds of brands and products, ending up developing a commodity which was what they wanted.
They visited every place in Taiwan and mainland China in quest of suitable skin care ingredients. They retrieved the materials which are most suitable for use by Orientals. Regarding commodity development, in addition to considering effect and not damaging skin, we should also consider making skin healthy and bright and presenting a sense of natural beauty. The ultimate purpose is to enable every beauty-lover to own a natural, flawless beautiful face!
