The Seventh Rabbit At Singapore 3.68

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144 Upper Bukit Timah Road #02-33
Singapore, 588177

About The Seventh Rabbit At Singapore

Contact Details & Working Hours


"Once Upon A Time In A Rabbit Hole, . . . . . . . . .

A rabbit burrowed through and ended up in Indah in JB, from Singapore. He settled down in his cozy rabbit hole and set off to do what he was best at - styling hair.

The Queen of Hearts heard about him and visited him for a hairdo. The queen was so pleased with the hairdo that she conferred the title of ‘Royal Hair Stylist’ on the The Seventh Rabbit.

His home was officially named ‘The Seventh Rabbit’.

She also ordered that he serve the people, their families and friends. As the Queen of Hearts, she showered The Seventh Rabbit with lots of love and compassion.

She also ordered that “The best tea and snacks be made available to the guests of The Seventh Rabbit. As well, a library of books for guests and their families and friends to read and, wireless network for them to logon for information and recreation”.

Soon, The Seventh Rabbit became a place where the community would gather to be pampered, network and to have their hair transformed by the magical hands and hat tricks of The Seventh Rabbit.

Also, personalized services extended to include manicure, pedicure and much more ….

The Seventh Rabbit – home, where your hair dreams come true.

很久很久以前,有只兔子挖地下洞来到了新山。布置好舒适家园,也有了自己的美发店。红心女王听说了兔子的好手艺并决定到访,更非常满意自己的新发型,所以决定授予兔子”皇家发型师”头衔,并把它的家命名为 The Seventh Rabbit 。皇室成员好友都能来这里美发,更能享用最优质的茶与点心、阅读书本等。不久后,这里成了聚会最佳地点,大家更享受着由 The Seventh Rabbit 为自己设计的新形象。


まもなく、ウサギの異世界の才能は、噂として、ハートの女王の耳に届きました。女王は悪名高い自惚れ屋だったので、自分自身にあう髪型をつくらせようと勝手に決断。王室の警備員を率いて、The Seventh Rabbit に会いに行きました。新しく手に入った彼女の新しい髪型に歓喜し 、「ロイヤル・ヘアー・スタイリスト」という称号をウサギに与え、公式にその質素な家を「ラビット・ホール」と名づけ、Google Mapsに掲載しました。


すぐに、ウサギの穴は家族や友人が集まり、楽しい時間を過ごす、憩いの場所となりました。The Seventh Rabbitの魔法は大人気です。 さらに質を上げるために、ウサギは、素晴らしいマニキュアとペディキュアのサービスを提供することにしました。

ここ、ウサギの穴で、The Seventh Rabbitが、すべての髪が抱く夢を、実現させるのです。


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