SSPX Singapore 2.14

286 Upper Thomson Rd
Singapore, 574402

About SSPX Singapore

Contact Details & Working Hours


This is a FAN page of the SSPX Mission in Singapore, the views expressed herein are our own personal ones. While we try to be "in sync" with SSPX positions, we nonetheless remain an independent initiative.

Official SSPX Asia (Singapore) link:

Asia District House in Singapore:

* SSPX Singapore Bulletin* (right column):

New addition (From Year 2016):

Official SSPX Asia news:

VISIT the Official SSPX Mission in Singapore:

St Pius X Priory
286 Upper Thomson Rd
Singapore 574402

Tel: [65] 6459 0792

Official Singapore Email:

district (@)

Please type this address into your email.
Replace (@) with with @.
No spaces in between the email characters.

We have omitted the link as a spam counter-measure.

MASS Schedule:

Every Sunday: 8:00 AM (Low) and 10:00 AM (Sung)

Monday to Saturday: 7:15 AM / 7 PM (please check weekly bulletin).

Resident Priests (2016 update):

Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin (District Superior)
Rev. Fr. François Laisney (District Bursar)
Rev. Fr. Fabrice Loschi (Prior)


The District House is a 25 minute taxi ride from the airport which is a good thing considering the number of journeys that have to be made from there. The three residents priests have a punishing schedule which allows them to visit Kuala Lumpur every Sunday, Kota Kinabalu twice a month (East Malaysia, on Borneo), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Jakarta, Seoul and Osaka once a month, once a month with occasional visits to Abu Dhabi and Dubai. This regular schedule does not include the District Superior's frequent visits to the Philippines and India.