Whee Kids 1.95

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Str Malinului
Brasov, 457182

About Whee Kids

Whee Kids Whee Kids is a well known place listed as Education in Brasov ,

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Sharing is caring!! That is why I enjoy sharing my experience with you as a teacher and an early childhood educator.
One of my very successful experience as an early childhood educator was in an International Preschool in Japan. It was a fulfilling experience where I got the chance to implement different teaching methods and interact with various parents and children from all over the world. I also had worked as a teacher in a Japanese preschool, and I can say that things are quite different .
Where in a Japanese preschool, children are thought as a group and the most important goal is to fit and help the society by acting and respecting it without being too different; in an international school the children are seen as a unique individuals, where being different is a quality and the children are respected as they are by offering them various way to learn, using the method that fit each child’s learning development.
If I could combine Japanese and International school philosophy, I am more than sure that it would be the perfect early childhood education.
Fitting and respecting the society, being who you are and accepting others to be different, would be what we need now in this globalised and modern world.

Am avut minunata ocazie de a lucra ca educator si profesor la o scoala internationala din Japonia. A fost o experienta inedita unde am avut oportunitatea de a implementa diferite metode de predare. Mai cu seama am avut clase cu copii din diferite parti ale lumii; unde traditia si cultura fiecarei familii era diferita si cerintele la fel.
Am lucrat pentru o perioada mai scurta intr-o gradinita pur japoneza, unde filosofia scoli era mult deosebita fata de cea internationala.
Scopul principal in gradinita japoneza este ca elevii sa respecte, ajute si sa contribuie in societate prin a avea un caracter corespunzator cu cerintele celor din jur. In mediul international, unicitatea, si a fi tu insuti, este obiectivul principal al fiecarei scoli. Profesorii trebuie sa utilizeze vaste metode si sa se adapteze cerintelor fiecarui elev.
Combinand cele doua filosofi vom avea educatia timpurie perfecta.
Respectand societatea in care traim, fiind mereu noi insine si acceptand ca cei din jur sa fie diferiti fara ai critica sau incerca sa ii schimbam, este tot ce avem nevoie in aceasta lume moderna.