Omnissential PH 2.18

Adventist University of the Philippines Campus, Puting Kahoy, Silang, Cavite, Philippines
Silang, 4118

Contact Details & Working Hours



combined with the amazing invention/innovation of a Filipino Inventor/Businessman and the hunger for success of young entrepreneurs, Boreo Francisco and DM Macpal, the birth of an upcoming brand name OMNISSENTIAL took place.

a lil' HISTORY:

I was given an opportunity to be the exclusive sales manager of his product by Mr. Santiago, the owner and inventor of the amazing IONIC OIL, in partnership with Amazing Power Wellness Trading.

After a successful trial selling and promoting the product, my best friend, DM Macpal and I, collectively acknowledge the thought of taking this whole thing to the next level by making our own company.

Several months with ardent prayer and life searching came to pass and we were just lucky enough that Mr. Santiago himself met with us to discuss the offer of exclusivity.

February 2016, we already started working on our designated assignments. DM worked on the designs and concepts while I did the transactions with mentors, advisers, investors, businessmen, as well as marketing the product while waiting for the big fund.

As of now, we are on a very promising track. We are working on getting our FDA and Halal to ensure our customers and future investors the quality and assurance they need. This also helps boost our credentials.

Next in line would be transactions with Mercury Drugstore, Watson's and other pharmacies to give our countrymen and the international market an access to this amazing innovation that will definitely change the lives of everyone.

Our minds are set big to conquer the world, to promote good health products at low cost, to give assistance to our medical groups and associations with their programs, and especially to give back to our community and to Mother Earth.

Help us reach our goal by promoting us to your friends and families, schools or workplaces, to cities and small barangays. Be a miracle worker and be blessed essentially.

Like us on Facebook. Tweet about us. Put us everywhere. Big things are coming!

I personally THANK YOU now for reading this whole thing.


OMNISSENTIAL - meaning All(OMNI)/Essential(-SSENTIAL)