SoulStar 2.01

New Zealand

About SoulStar

Contact Details & Working Hours


Jhana is naturally skilled in the ways of accessing the innate wisdom of the body, mind and soul. Healing is a transformational process which involves a release of energy and a reorganisation on whatever needs a re-calibration. The shift could be physical, it could be an emotional release or the beginning of understanding a mental patterning we may have. Infact in reality holistic health works on all these levels together. After a SoulStar healing session you will feel physically healthier, more emotionally stable and balanced, mentally calmer and clearer. Spiritually, we are more connected to ourselves and to our surroundings.
Jhana’s work is a hands-on treatment that is suitable for such symptoms presenting as : headaches, stress, neck, shoulder and back pain, sleeplessness, feelings of disconnection, emotional pain, trauma, loss of focus and direction.
Jhana works as a doctor of the soul, of the innate and talks to your body accessing and listening to what the body, mind, soul wants to transform. As this potential is then opened up, you have the ability to change and always the body chooses to go up to a higher level, to a higher expression of itself. Jhana’s soul work also includes a balancing of your whole energy field , including your chakras, following a 13 chakra system that she works with.
After such work, we may rediscover talents that we had long forgotten, we may experience deeper peace. We may go on to change our lives in small or big ways, we may notice changes in our thinking , in our relationships, in our purpose.
Jhana uses her hands and her awareness, her training in many holistic modalities all come into play, along with her sound and light language..if you are really lucky!! Jhana is a highly attuned empath and has gifts of clairsentience, clairaudience and clairvoyance which means that she sees, hears and feels on deeper levels of reality and can access deeper knowledge to help you heal, regenerate and move forward in your life. If this all sounds like a mystical process,well it is. It is also the new frontier for mainstream medicine. One thing is for sure, you will leave your session with Jhana feeling like a bright shining rainbow with all your colours shining!
Jhana is a certified aromatherapy massage therapist and shiatsu massage therapist She has certification in classical homeopathy, iyengar yoga, she is a reiki master and teacher and is currently training in Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy in Wellington, New Zealand, where she lives. Jhana loves working with crystals and sound and light language which she started to be a channel for spontaneously about five years ago.
Look forward to working with you! It would be my honour and pleasure!
COST 100$ per session which is 60-90minutes long.