Gimmick Tees NZ 2.69

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PO Box 32901 North Shore Auckland
Auckland, 0744
New Zealand

Contact Details & Working Hours


Why start this business?

I have always wanted to work for myself and for me now is as good a time as any in my life. For me this business is merely an extension of myself and my childhood. I am not afraid to admit it, I had a different upbringing and seen things no child should ever have to see. (no offence to my mother) she done the best by me with the hand she was dealt and I love her to pieces. It was a crazy time for me growing up.

One thing I will always remember about my childhood is being transfixed by this wonderful world which took me out of my reality for a few hours. It was the World Wrestling Federation. My late uncle Willie introduced me to the WWF. He would sometimes pick me up in the weekends which I absolutely loved. We would set out mattresses in the lounge and wait for WWF Superstars to air after the late night news. I was never aloud to watch this at home because it was on too late. If I had not been picked up by a relative for the weekend I would be given $5 or $10 to which I would be planning on which WWF VHS I was going to rent out. By this time we knew who worked at the store and it was jacked up that I did not need supervision to rent out on mums account. I would have to have been as young as 5 - 6 walking down the road and around the corner to the video store where I would walk right to the wrestling section, sit down and spend 25 minutes choosing which 1 or 2 tapes I were going to rent. Once I had made a decision I would take the tapes, march up and on my tip toes place said tapes onto the counter. And I was a very small kid. I blame it on being born premature although my family are a bunch or shorties. Anyway, it must have been so funny to see this. They literally had to lean over to see this kids standing in front of the counter with his $5 in his hand. Then I would go home with my tapes and the $1 mixture I hustled with the change and watch these tapes on repeat until the had to be returned.

The psychology of the whole idea is really fascinating. I was always drawn to the babyface or good guys, the guys that gave me hope that things will get better at home or that me and my mum would get out of the situation we were in. That is what I believe the WWF done for me in the early years of my life and for that I am so very grateful.

To think about what has come of the industry since the 80's is mind boggling. From breaking box office records to selling out stadiums annually with major events.To think back when I most enjoyed the product the athletes were making a few hundred bucks a week driving from city to city 290 - 300 days a year. Now the top stars are millionaires and doing all sorts of good for people and charities around the world.

I know there are many similar stories like my own in our small nation. I mean we have produced Hall of Famers from right here in New Zealand, the legendary Bushwhackers. They were always one of uncle Willies favourite teams as he had seen them live when they toured New Zealand back in the day.

This is an ongoing project I hope to have running in 2015. If it takes longer than so be it but rest assured once it is up and running it will be awesome.