Christchurch Reiki 1.75

The Opawa Zendo and The Health and Awareness Centre
Christchurch, 8013
New Zealand

About Christchurch Reiki

Contact Details & Working Hours


Reiki is a form of energy healing; the term translates as "spiritual energy".
In receiving reiki, we enter a space which is accepting, compassionate and aware. Here, our preoccupations and tensions can be seen and released.
Through reiki, we're assisted to return to equilibrium. We re-centre ourselves to live more from our natural wisdom. Body, mind and spirit are supported to restore.

What to expect...
The client lies fully clothed on a massage table. The practitioner applies their hands to different areas of the body, holding each position for several minutes. Reiki is the flow of vital energy that occurs in this context. A session lasts 60-90 minutes.

The experience...
Reiki often begins with feelings of deep relaxation, warmth or energisation. These positive experiences are accompanied by a gradual release of our conditioned sense of struggle or blockage. Reiki compliments western medical intervention. Its power as a healing modality rests on the spiritual truth of our inherent completeness.

The experience of reiki, and the healing that occurs, is unique to each person. The body has its own wisdom, and accesses reiki according to what is needed.