SOGOS 1.76

Sogos Consultants B.V. Toldijk 17-19 7901 TA, Hoogeveen The Netherlands
Hoogeveen, 7901 TA

Contact Details & Working Hours


About Us

SOGOS is the abbreviation of Specialists in Oil & Gas Operations Support.

Just like the name implies, SOGOS Consultants is an independent consultancy for the oil and gas exploration & production industry. The company was founded in 1996 in the Netherlands. Since that moment SOGOS provides technical, operational and management support. We specialize in consultancy services and the provision of manpower for oil and gas projects. Over the past two decades, we have worked alongside national and international oil and gas companies, in order to assist them meeting their objectives.

Besides consultancy, SOGOS offers training services under the (trademark) name SOGOS Academy. The SOGOS Academy provides the international petroleum industry with first-class technical training solutions and competency management services.