Jalpilla Axtla de Terrazas 4.66

San Luis Potosi
San Luis Potosí, 72884

About Jalpilla Axtla de Terrazas

Jalpilla Axtla de Terrazas Jalpilla Axtla de Terrazas is a well known place listed as Public Places & Attractions in San Luis Potosí , Community/government in San Luis Potosí ,

Contact Details & Working Hours


Jalpilla is located in the Municipality of Axtla Terrazas (in the State of San Luis Potosi). It has 2528 inhabitants
is in the GPS coordinates:

Longitude (dec): -98.872778

Latitude (dec): 21.
Economic Structure

In Jalpilla a total of 540 households.

Of these 523 dwellings, 269 houses have dirt floors and about 28 consist of a single room.

492 of all households have sanitary facilities, 472 are connected to public service, 505 have access to electricity.

The economic structure allows 30 homes have a computer, 88 have a washer and 315 have a televisisón.

School education Jalpilla

Apart from that there are 125 illiterates over 15 years, 18 young people between 6 and 14 do not attend school.

Population from age 15 have no schooling 122, 809 have a complete education. 351 have a basic education and 392 have a post-Bosica education.

A total of 209 young generation between 15 and 24 years of age have attended school, middle school among the population is 7 years.