NUSFA Medical Assistance 3.76

UGF Shaheen Bagh, Abul Fazal Encl Part-2
New Delhi, 110025

About NUSFA Medical Assistance

Contact Details & Working Hours


We are engaged in providing best in class medical facilities, through professional service providers and medical professionals in the world. We also offer training to doctors with a singular aim of bringing more and more people under the wings of high quality Indian healthcare services.
We believe that medical healthcare is not a luxury but a basic right that can be easily achieved by everyone. No one must feel discouraged from undergoing a treatment because of either a crunch of money or the unfamiliarity of a foreign land and language. We keep a dual focus on cost effectiveness and immaculate quality of every surgery and treatment that we facilitate. There is no sense of achievement as big as watching others regain their health and vitality, especially when we have a small role to play in it.
من أهدافنا الرئيسية هي : -
1- تقديم جميع الخدمات الطبية عن طريق أطباء محترفين عن طريق مختصين في مجال الطب من مختلف الدول
2- تقديم التدريب للأطباء و أن يكون هدفهم جلب المرضى للعلاج في مستشفيات رصينة داخل الهند.

نحن نؤمن أن خدماتنا الطبية للمرضى ليس من وسائل الترف فقط ولكن حق أساسي يجب أن يٌتم و من أي جهة مختصة.
لا يحتاج المريض أن يشعر بقلة الثقة بالنفس سواء كان السبب النقص في أمواله أو عدم معرفة لغة البلد المٌعالج فيها لأن مهمتنا ألأساسية هي تقديم أفضل العمليات المتاحة و بأرخص الأسعار و أن تكون العمليات خالية من أي عيوب أو تشوهات .
لا نعتبرُ أنفسنا تحت إطار التقدم أو النجاح إذ لم نٌحقق للمريض الشفاء الكامل أو الصحة المطلوبة من المريض بعد إجراء العملية ..
It is committed to patient’s safety, levels of care
and experience in treating international patients. we provide healthcare facilities to the foreign patients in India. We assist in travel
logistics, visa, and transportation for better treatment, stay and journey to historical
places of India, too.
Treatment, Hospitality and other allied services we offer:¬
Visa, Flight arrangement and extension as per the requirement.
Special dietary facility of the choice of the patient.
Free pick and drop facility for patients/ attendants from airport.
Accommodation for patients/ attendants available for nominal prices to 5/star Hotels, as for patients.
Complementary food for attendants is available in the hospital during the treatment.
Co¬ordination in admission process.
Provide private nursing attendant on request.
Always provide the language interpreter/translator.
Currency exchange.
Arrangement of mobile SIM cards of India.
Visa & ticket booking assistance.
Arrangement for boarding and lodging.
We cover all the health insurance policies if covered by the insurer to get the treatment in
We are the advocates for the patients in all the aspects to benefit them. Contact Details;
Safdar Imam +91-9540792538
Waazul Haque +91-8677809125
New Delhi India