Sri Sri Yoga 2.25


Contact Details & Working Hours


Sri Sri Yoga is affiliated to the Sri Sri School of Yoga. It offers a holistic multi-path approach for body, mind & spirit.

We explore the true essence of yoga, going beyond just the physical practice of asanas (postures). We integrate the vast knowledge of yoga and its philosophy with the practice itself.

We offer a 6-8 months guidance for those who would like to go on and do the Yoga Teachers Training Program.

You may apply for scholarship to go through this for free as well. For details do get in touch.

The term 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'yuj', meaning union.

Yoga is not merely a form of exercise for the body, it is the oldest system in the world that is a path towards unity of the body, mind and spirit.

The knowledge of yoga can be found in ancient scriptures dating back over 5000 years.

Yoga allows us to retune ourselves, return to the fine balance between body, breath, mind and feelings.

It is a unique method of maintaining physical health and Sri Sri Yoga is a combination of gentle and vigorous series of asanas, with pranayamas and meditation techniques.

The programme of Sri Sri Yoga includes specially selected exercises for people of any age. It is suitable for beginners as well as experienced yoga practitioners looking to deepen their practice, and add a new dimension to their daily routine.

Students gain not only a home practice but also an understanding of the depth and subtlety that yoga offers in relation to everyday life.

On a physical level, some of the benefits of yoga are that it improves flexibility, the range of joint movements, the posture and alignment of the body, blood circulation and digestion.