Sense Lodge 想軒 3.02

4.9 star(s) from 17 votes
西貢德隆前街一號地舖, 西貢天后廟路口入第一個舖位 - G/F, 1 Tak Lung Front Street, Sai Kung.. (just behind Sai Kung Tin Hau Temple)
Sai Kung, .
Hong Kong

About Sense Lodge 想軒

Contact Details & Working Hours


<7Aug2017 - 已結業 Business Closed >

籌備半年, 終於問世。由構思去搜羅世界各地的民間藝術品作銷售, 聯絡了超過三十個國家的藝術家、工藝家及供應商, 揀了買了超過八佰件不同的擺設, 定下店鋪名字, 設計店鋪 logo, 製作簡單的銷售及存貨電腦系統, 替貨品編碼, 列印簡述, 選擇鋪位, 裝上招牌, 挑選,裝置及改裝貨架, 貨品陳列擺位, 調較燈光, 黐上一幅牆紙, 掛上一塊窗簾, 鑽上一口螺絲......, 都是自己精心挑選, 細心打造, 自把自為。

Preparations for half a year, it finally came out. From conceiving to gather folk artwork around the world for sales, contacting artists, craftsmen and suppliers from more than 30 countries, choosing over 800 different pieces of bibelots and furnishings, considering my shop name, designing my shop logo, creating a sales and inventory computer system, coding for the products, printing products' introductions, finding a place to rent a shop, setting up the shop's signboard, selecting, fitting and modifying display racks, products display positioning, tuning lights' intensity, wallpapering, curtaining and screwing ....... all are my meticulous selection, my attentive tailor, my stubborn decisions…… all are by myself and my wife .

很享受這種生活, 一個全屬於自己的小天地, 做自己喜歡做的事, 作自己喜歡作的抉擇, 不用受制及聽命於他人, 完全只對自己負責。 將自己的空想、妄想、幻想、夢想、理想、思想放在這小小空間裡, 讓自己的感覺放縱於店舖內, 透過這店舖, 展現我這堆「想」給店舖外的人, 希望他人也會來感受, 也會來欣賞。

Enjoying such life ......such my own little world. Doing what I love to do, making my own decision without any restrictions from others, and only need to be responsible to myself. I can put my own fictions, delusions, fantasies, dreams, ideals, thoughts into this little space. ( These are the “elements” involved in the Chinese name of my shop). I hope I can “connect” people outside the shop by using sense. Let them feel it and appreciate it. ( This is implied in the English name of my shop )

現實終歸現實, 這種生活, 縱使只是孤芳自賞, 也希望可「挨」得到兩年, 挨不了, 仍可對自己說, 能將樂趣放在工作生活上, 已賺了自己想過的生活體驗。

Reality after all reality, it may be my lone soul admiring my own purity. I hope I can “survive” with this shop for two years. If not, I can still tell myself : “I have already earned my life experience by enjoying my interests from my work.”

各方好友,如有空, 請親臨參觀, 並不是什麼高深莫測的藝術品,我領略的民間工藝, 並不只供眼睛遠觀或近看的, 你還應用手去觸摸, 去感受它的冷暖, 都增添一種親切感。 是否有藝術品味 ? 就來看看吧, 給我些意見吧 !

My friends, if you have time, please come to visit. Mine are not enigmatic art. My taste is folk artwork, not only for watching, but also you may feel them with your hands. They can bring you sense of cordial and friendliness. Please come to give me some precious advice.

地址 : 西貢德隆前街一號地舖 - 西貢天后廟後, 路口第一個舖位, 西湖小館後, 永和海鮮酒家對面。

Address : G/F, 1 Tak Lung Front Street, Sai Kung, N.T., Hong Kong. ( Just behind Sai Kung Tin Hau Temple, opposite to Wing Wo Seafood Restaurant )