Barcelona Photographer 1.32

Tamarit 191
Barcelona, 08011

About Barcelona Photographer

Contact Details & Working Hours


Des del 2005, l’alemanya Katherin Wermke, fotògrafa professional-directora d’art i fundadora de l’estudi fotogràfic Distritovisual, dirigeix Barcelona Photographer juntament amb un equip multicultural de fotògrafs de tot el món.

Aquesta empresa neix per donar resposta a una demanda de serveis fotogràfics amb major qualitat, compromís i flexibilitat, tant per a empreses com particulars.

Barcelona Photographer ofereix serveis fotogràfics personalitzats a nivell corporatiu: campanyes publicitàries, moda, cobertura a actes i congressos, reportatges… Com tours o cursos fotogràfics dissenyats per descobrir les ‘joies’ de Barcelona.

Since 2005, German-born Katherin Wermke, professional photographer, art director, and founder of the Distritovisual photography studio, has been directing Barcelona Photographer collaboratively with a unique team of photographers from all around the globe.

The company was founded to meet the growing demand for high-quality, flexible photographic services for companies or individuals.

Barcelona Photographer offers custom services at the corporate level, and can help firms design publicity campaigns, fashion events and conference coverage, reports... Its photography tours or classes are designed to uncover the jewels of Barcelona.