MCG Nursery 4.55

4.8 star(s) from 65 votes
14 Al– Sharifa Dina street, Sarayat Al Maadi ,in front of Maadi club, Maadi, Cairo
Cairo, 11728

About MCG Nursery

MCG Nursery MCG Nursery is a well known place listed as Preschool in Cairo , Child Care Service in Cairo ,

Contact Details & Working Hours


MCG Nursery & Preschool at Maadi
“What makes MCG different”
MCG Preschool is a place where children are valued for their strengths, abilities & weakness so they can develop & reach their full potential. It’s a developmental program where children learn academics but also a lifelong experience. It’s a place where children are given confidence to do meaningful work, when their wonder & curiosity is stimulated; their perspective is broadened & positively invigorated through play. To give each child according to his/her own individual needs, customs, and traditions.
“What makes MCG different”
*Experienced qualified staff
*character building classes
* Psychology speech therapy & behavior modification
*Extra hours available upon request till 7:00 pm
* Transportation available with GPS system
* Secured by a highly qualified fire system
Videos :-
1-One-to one reading session

2-Final circle

3-Our Rules

4-Our Professional PE instructor

5-MCG Preschool

6-(Congratulations!!!) MCG Nursery 2016

Now you Can Fill your application online.
MCG-Nursery & Preschool Maadi
For Registration or more information kindly
Don’t hesitate to contact us on:-
01100100700 – 01020444070 - 02/23582565
14 Al– Sharifa Dina street, Sarayat Al Maadi ,
in front of Maadi club, Maadi, Cairo.

MCG Nursery & preschool Maadi
About us :
Weekly medical check up
We offer 3 healthy balanced meals (breakfast, lunch and snack)
Air conditional classes monitored with cameras
A daily report for your child through mobile application
English and French sections
Second language
Special needs classes
After school from 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Experienced qualified staff
The extra hours available upon request at an extra charge from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Character building
Daily Quran sessions
Weekly Arabic sessions
Monthly trips & events
One to one reading
Fine motor skills
Story telling
Cooking sessions
Art & hand craft
Music session
Fun science experiments
Transportation available with GPS system
Psychology speech therapy & behavior modification
Skills development
Sensory skills
MCG Nursery & preschool Maadi
MCG Preschool is a place where children are valued for their strengths, abilities & weakness so they can develop & reach their full potential. It’s a developmental program where children learn academics but also a lifelong experience. It’s a place where children are given confidence to do meaningful work, when their wonder & curiosity is stimulated; their perspective is broadened & positively invigorated through play. To give each child according to his/her own individual needs, customs, and traditions.
MCG Nursery & preschool Maadi
At MCG families are valued for their bonds and traditions, their ability to play, their commitment to work, home & community & their dreams for their children. To serve the community & work together to bring the child what he needs & deserves so he can strengthen the ability to succeed in today’s world and generations to come.
MCG Nursery & preschool Maadi

إذا تواجد الطفل فى المكان المناسب والمهيأ له
فمراحل طفولته تنمو وتتطور بشكل صحيح وسليم
MCG Nursery & Preschool at Maadi
من أجل طفولة سليمة
للمساعده فى اتخاذ قرار اختيار حضانه طفلك
تعرفى علينا أكثر..
فما هى قواعدنا والنظام اليومى والانشطه اليوميه وبرامجنا وخططنا
برجاء مشاهده الفيديوهات المرفقة بالأسفل
بما نتميز:-
1- *المكان فيلا خاصة 1400متر بأرقى موقع بالمعادى
2- *مساحه حره كبيره تتجاوز 700م منطقه ألعاب أطفال
3- *أمن وحراسة بالمكان
4- *الفصول صحية من ناحية الأضاءة الطبيعة والتهوية والمساحة
5- * يوجد باص نظام متابعة GPS
6- *الحضانة مجهزه بكاميرات وقريبا Online
7- *الحضانة بها نظام أطفاء وأنذارات حريق Fire System
8- *يوجد App خاص بالحضانة تطبيق اندرويد وأيفون لأرسال الريبورت الخاص بطفلك يوميا
9- *يوجد طبيب أطفال لمتابعه صحه طفلك
10- *يوجد أخصائيه نفسيه لمتابعه سلوك طفلك
11- *وجبات الأطفال اليوميه طازجة ويتم الاشراف عليها يوميا
12- *يوجد مدرب تربيه بدنيه
13- *طاقم العمل بالحضانة على أعلى مستوى
14- *المناهج انترناشونال تتوافق وفقا للمرحله العمرية
15- النظام الادارى بالمكان على أقوى مستوى
16- تستطيع متابعة جميع أنشطتنا والتواصل معنا على جميع قنوات السوشيال ميديا