Maries Mad Mission 2.67

4.3 star(s) from 4 votes
Bryrup, Danmark,

About Maries Mad Mission

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Denne side skal bidrage til en fordomsfri debat om vores sundhed i Danmark. Den vil tage udgangspunkt i almindelig logik baseret på nyeste viden, respekt for naturens orden og vores allesammens oprindelse. Min vision er at bidrage til, at danskerne bliver sundere. Jeg vil være med til at stoppe fedme- og sygdomsepidemien i Danmark.

In English:
Marie’s Mad Mission, yes it must be mad to try to change the official nutritional guidelines in Denmark! But in fact MAD in Danish means FOOD, so maybe it isn’t that mad after all.
But it does sound crazy: I want to influence the authorities to adjust the official dietary advice in Denmark towards a more natural diet for all Danes. It is all about the world's oldest and longest "hit-diet".
What is my dream?
In short: the Danes have better health. I want to help stop the obesity- and disease-epidemic in Denmark.
Why this blog?
I have a mission, but I do not want to go out there and just try to convince people of "the only thing right". We need an unprejudice debate about our health in Denmark, based on common logic and latest knowledge, and with respect for nature and our origin. I want to contribute to the debate without becoming religious. I do not have a particular diet, but I have a preferred principle: eat authentic wholefoods.
I investigate questions and comments from friends, colleagues, neighbors and "followers" as well as current topics. It is important for all to contribute with opinions and comments so that we fully get to understand.

Policy for Maries Mad Mission på Facebook:
- Her vender og drejer vi alt, hvad der vedrører vores sundhed og trivsel især ift. vores kost og ernæring.
- Ingen personangreb er tilladt, for her taler vi ordentligt til hinanden med respekt for vores forskelligheder.
- Der må ikke forekomme markedsføring af produkter eller tjenester, som konkurrerer med Maries Mad Mission. Kontakt mig hvis du er i tvivl.
- Reklamer forekommer ikke på Maries Mad Mission. Der kan dog forekomme (affiliate) links, hvis der i en blog eller en kommentar er en særlig grund til at nævne en producent eller et produkt, men så vil der blive gjort tydeligt opmærksom på dette.