Samuel's Mantle 2.66

2582 Mt Lehman Rd
Abbotsford, BC V4X 2N3

About Samuel's Mantle

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Do you hunger for a personal relationship with God?
Do you ever wonder why you want more of God’s presence in your life but others don’t?
Or do you have a sense that God is all around waiting to be found by you… if you could just figure out how?

If any of these questions ring true for you then you are already hearing the Lord, and God is introducing you to one of the ways He speaks. By causing a drawing or burden in your heart to know Him more intimately. It was just such a heart condition that the two disciples on the road to Emmaus experienced as they walked with Jesus. With their physical eyes the person walking with them was just another traveller but in these disciple’s hearts there was more going on – they discovered their hearts to be on fire (Luke 24:32).

Isaiah describes another form of this “heart to heart” communication with his description of how he receives prophetic words in Isaiah 19:1 (nkj), “This is the burden….” In fact hearing the Lord by “burden” is a common theme in Isaiah. Have you ever just had to tell someone something, do a certain thing for someone, or call someone before you felt at peace? Then you too know the leading of the Holy Spirit by the burden of the Lord.

Truth be told there are countless ways the Lord speaks: through thoughts, pictures, impressions, feelings, dreams, visions, prophecy, etc… All of these ways of speaking have been given by Jesus to his bride the church as ways to discover who His Father is. So that we the church can come to grasp how much God loves us. In fact Paul prays this very thing in Ephesians 1:17

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”

All of the many ways God speaks have a purpose, to know Him better. And we at Samuel’s Mantle have made that our task. That we would learn the many ways that God speaks so that we can know this glorious Father, as Paul describes Him. If you feel that wonderful tugging in your heart, that tug of the Holy Spirit to know your Father better. Then maybe Samuel’s Mantle is for you as well!