Revision Reiki and Coaching 2.26

97 Atlee Avenue
Toronto, ON M1N 3X5

About Revision Reiki and Coaching

Contact Details & Working Hours


Let me first introduce myself….Robin Piccolo-Scarpetta, working professional, life coach, wife and lover of life (which I always try to make the best of...right? Lemons to Lemonaide). I’m the Lead Coach with reVISION. Why am I different from the rest? Well, I as the lead coach at reVISION, I work extensively with people to help them achieve their personal and professional goals through empowering them to overcome those BIG hurdles holding them back, to help them keep that 'passion flame' lit and burning strong and to give them that extra support to keep them going in the direction their heart and soul want them to go. As their coach and cheerleader, I keep them accountable for THEM - I help them to see their own incredible self worth so they can 'revision' their lives and make that vision come to reality. Sometimes people just need a little extra help...or a little push. I'm really good at that!

Who am I? I’m a woman who thrives on helping people help themselves. Coaching is my second nature - I didn’t realize that until I began exploring options for being certified as a coach. I was born this way and I am so looking forward to offering my innate ‘gift’ to others. In addition to that, I’m a corporate professional who specializes in Leadership Development, Performance Management & Performance Coaching. I work with people day in and day out...and I LOVE my job. Nothing drives me more than seeing people succeed in where they want to go in THEIR journey.

I also offer psychometric testing for those who are interested. I’m a certified practitioner with Psychometrics Canada and am able to conduct assessments in Myers-Briggs (MBTI), Thomas-Killman Conflict Instrument (TKI), Work Personality Index (WPI), DISC assessment and TEIQ Emotional Intelligence assessment. For prices and information on each of the individual assessments, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Pricing varies for each assessment and will include not only the assessment but the debrief with me to help interpret your results and how you can use them moving forward.

If you are interested in finding more information about coaching, the coaching philosophy, my services, pricing or any of the assessments please contact me.

I’m flexible and here for YOU. Whether that be face to face, over email, on the phone, over facetime or skype…you are the leader in your own journey. You let me know how to best support you!

I’m so looking forward to hearing from you!