LeadDigital.ca 1.99

315-15 Windermere Avenue
Toronto, ON M6S5A2

About LeadDigital.ca

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Your Local Partner For Your Small Business Online Marketing Each business is different, what works for one may not work for you. Most online marketing solutions are either free (SEO) or pay-per-click (Banners, SEM) with a flexible budget per day, week or month.

Our services:

# Search Engine Optimization | Free consulting, included with campaign management. Increase your website ranking with simple changes to web design/content. Leverage listings that get free promotion online: Google Plus Business, Yelp,...

# Adwords PPC Search Marketing | Get on top of search results when people Google your products/services in your area ("interior designer toronto", “restaurant in oakville”,..) We write effective call-to-action ads & optimize campaigns for you.

# Pay-Per-Click Banner & Video Ads | Contextual display banners & YouTube video ads can reach your potential clients based on their interests, hobbies, professions and demographic profiles. If you have creative assets ready or not, we can help.

# Social Media & Facebook Ads | Targeted ads to reach audiences in social media beyond your usual friends & followers. We design, launch and optimize the ads or use what you already have and make it better.

# Google Shopping Local Products | Reach the shoppers who are searching for what you are selling, as simple as that. Instead of displaying text ads only, small images and descriptions of your products will show at the top of search results.

# User Experience & Analytics | Free advise on web design/content that convert visitors to your goals: buy, find location... & not just pass by! We use analytics to understand site visitors, discover opportunities, track leads & measure advertising performance.