IBD Empowerment 3.21

203-2655 Cranberry Drive
Vancouver, BC V6K 4V5

About IBD Empowerment

Contact Details & Working Hours


I stand for YOU remembering YOUR MAGNIFICENCE, your divine blueprint of what wellness looks like and what you came to this planet to do. I am fierce about holding a sacred space of love and possibilities for you when your light has been dimmed by illness. I know what it feels like to be lost and alone in the darkness and sometimes we need someone else to hold the light for us so we can find our way again.

I am passionate about inspiring and empowering you to reclaim your joy…your true essence!

Here is why I am so passionate about this…

I have lived most of my life with Crohn’s disease. My day-to-day experience living with a bowel condition was filled with fear, shame and isolation, even though I did a very good job at hiding it. I was going to the bathroom 10-15 times a day and I was always worried about having an accident. It was hard to truly love myself through all the Sh*t.

However, things shifted for me a couple years ago when I underwent surgery to have my large intestine removed. I had one of the biggest emotional releases of my life as I awoke from the anesthetic and realized what had just taken place. It hit me like an emotional tidal wave. It was as though all the undigested emotions that I had stuffed down and never dealt with were now drowning me, not to mention that I was also trying to process the fact that I would live with a bag attached to my belly for the rest of my life.

Despite all the grief and sadness that was coming up, something miraculous was offered to me that day. The only way I can describe it is as though my true essence or higher self was able to hold space and reflect unconditional love back to the sobbing girl in the hospital bed. I knew in that moment that this was the true healing that was required for me to move forward. It became crystal clear, beyond any shred of doubt, that every single one of us is responsible for loving ourselves unconditionally and no one else can do it for us. This is the journey within, as we each find our way home.

Through my coaching practice I am being called to serve those people who are navigating through some challenging times but are ready and able to allow the spark of their soul to burn brightly once again. My medicine is love and compassionate understanding, along with some magic and lighthearted playfulness when the time is right.

It has now been 3 years living with my external plumbing system, and I am so honoured and grateful to have the opportunity to truly practice what it means to love and accept my body. I am choosing differently now, rather than letting society and the media’s limited view of what is beautiful, dictate how I should feel. Instead, I am taking responsibility for loving myself, and therefore seeing my scars and ostomy pouch as a courageous testament of my will to live!

I have been given a second chance at this incredible life and now I want to help others get there too. I have an amazing partner whom I met after surgery, and my life is full of fun, travel and adventure. I believe that every single day is a gift if we choose to see it that way.

So I am saying, YES, to standing up and being seen and finding those people who are ready to work with me.