Move & Mangia 2.23

Knowledge Ave
London, ON N5Y1W1

About Move & Mangia

Move & Mangia Move & Mangia is a well known place listed as Education in London , Educational Service in London ,

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What will you find and learn about on this page?
>> Posts about holistic nutrition and overall wellness. Why? I am currently finishing the Natural Nutrition program at the CSNN to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (October 2017). See the section below, "The Original (yet, still very relevant) reason for this page .." for a more detailed description of my mission as a soon-to-be Holistic Nutritionist.

>> Posts about Weightlifting. Why? I've been passionate about fitness (personal and coaching others) since graduating from the Fitness and Health Promotion program in 2013. I have had the pleasure of coaching functional fitness at a few different facilities throughout the years and my passion for fitness has only grown stronger. Ive been exposed to and have trained in weightlifting a few different times in my life and have finally found the right time and place to follow through with my passion. I am currently being coached by the best of Weightlifting as I work towards becoming a Weightlifting Coach to further share my love for the sport, for proper movement and mobility.

>> Posts about Chaga! Cha-what? This medicinal mushroom is something you should know about. You will soon see posts about this magical mushroom (not THAT kind...) and why.

The Original (yet, still very relevant) reason for this page aka
My Mission as a soon-to-be Holistic Nutritionist:

We skim through the headlines, pictures and subtitles of social media platforms on a daily basis ‘educating’ ourself on the latest and greatest. We do this through a single headline or phrase without actually reading the whole article or looking at the bigger picture. We have the ‘latest and greatest’ information coming at us from all directions at all times tying us up from questioning or even thinking the information through. This fast-paced, over-education is what leaves us feeling vulnerable, confused, frustrated, fed-up and unmotivated.

Look, we are all trying to make the shift, the movement, to becoming healthier, happier beings. And let me tell you, nothing excites me more than living and breathing this shift every dang day.

So, what I am called to do is to bring you back, #BacktotheBasics.
Let’s get back to the basics of what health, wellness, and nutrition actually means, feels and looks likes. What the purpose of food is; how our body is made to function; what digestion looks likes; how food makes us feel; what our body tells us; how our mind connects us; and what our poop tells us — just to name a few. I am called to help make this shift of looking through the magnifying glass to looking at the bigger picture – the Basics.

I am here, right now, to create clarity. To guide and support you through this movement using the "basics" of health and wellness. To provide simple take aways (with the why!) that you can use in your own life to becoming a healthier, happier you. With all said and with massive gratitude, I am so very excited to welcome you. Its time for the #generationofeducation to get #backtothebasics.