Kurdish Institute Brussels 3.44

4.8 star(s) from 24 votes
Rue Bonneelsstraat 16
Brussels, 1210

About Kurdish Institute Brussels

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Het Koerdisch Instituut vzw stelt zich vanuit haar maatschappelijke bekommernis en bewustzijn tot doel de ruime publieke opinie te sensibiliseren over de rechten van personen die behoren tot nationale, etnische, religieuze en/of linguïstische minderheden in het Midden-Oosten, Eurazië en de Kaukasus, zoals vastgelegd in de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens en in andere internationale verdragen.

Het KIB stelt zich tot doel het ruime publiek te sensibiliseren over de noodzaak dat iedereen die deel uitmaakt van een etnisch-culturele minderheid aanspraak moet kunnen maken op de basisrechten, gelijke kansen en inspraak moet hebben in de organisatie en invulling van de "Vlaamse en Brusselse multiculturele samenleving".

Daarnaast willen wij de integratie van elkeen die deel uitmaakt van een etnisch-culturele minderheid in de Vlaamse en Brusselse samenleving bevorderen. Het KIB zal hiertoe de publieke opinie, media en de overheid sensibiliseren en informeren tot het waarborgen van de basisrechten en het toepassen van gelijke kansen. Door middel van educatieve activiteiten en informatie worden de allochtonen begeleid om zich optimaal in te schakelen in de samenleving, met vrijwaring van de eigen culturele identiteit.

Kurdish Institute Brussels is established in 1978 by Derwich Ferho the present chairman of this organisation.

Since 1998, the Kurdish Institute is subsidized by the Flemish Ministry of Culture for their socio-cultural activities. The following objectives are to be promoted:

* Developping and promoting the Kurdish language and foster knowledge about Kurdistan by providing information on its history, literature, society and politics.

* Helping the Kurds and other minority communities to integrate into the Belgian society with respect and maintenance of their own cultural identity by organising language courses and providing social service.

In 2004, the institute has widened its sphere of action and changed its mission. On the one hand it is working to secure and promote rights for ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities in Turkey, the Middle East and the Caucasus and on the other hand it is working on the integration of Kurds and other minority communities into the Belgian society.

To realize this new mission the Kurdish Intitute Brussels (KIB) works on different levels:

* We publish a bi-monthly periodical in Dutch (The Kurds) and educational reports about the Kurds and other minorities in Turkey, the Middle East and the Caucasus in Dutch, English, French, Kurdish and Turkish.

* We provide social services for immigrants

* Our library holds many publications on the Middle East and Turkey but is mainly devoted to the history, culture and political situation of the Kurds in Kurdistan and the diaspora.

* Summer projects for children

* Translation services

* Language courses: French and Kurdish

* Cultural programme: exhibitions, Kurdish films and plays, concerts, etc.

* Research, information and sensitization activities

In 2004, we founded a Kurdish cultural centre in Tbilisi, Georgia.