Ben's Bees 3.99

Glen Waverley, VIC 3150

Contact Details & Working Hours


So you’ve just pulled into your driveway after a long weekend and you’ve noticed a large number of bees in a cluster the size of a football. Although this can look like a beehive, it’s actually a swarm of bees. Swarming is a natural phenomenon that usually occurs during springtime. It is the method whereby bees reproduce and colonize new territory. Bee removal is dangerous if you are not equiped or know what to do.

In the prime swarm about 60% of the worker bees leave the original hive location with the old queen. This swarm can contain thousands or even tens of thousands of bees. Sometimes these bees will attempt to create a new home in an area that's not appropriate. Whilst the bees are in a swarm they are fundamentally the easiest to remove. A colony that has made itself a home from something can be quite a task to remove, depending on the entrance and position of the hive.

I am able to collect and remove swarms and beehives in Melbourne without harming or killing the bees. For bee removal or rescue in Melbourne please dont hesitate to call me. The European honeybee can only sting once against humans and mammals as there are barbs on their stings which come out along with the venom sac. Bees are only defensive when their hive is disrupted or a failed attempt in killing a foraging bee.

If you have discovered a hive of bees coming and going from an entrance I am able to safely extract the bees and transfer them to a Langstroth hive and relocate them. I commonly get call outs where bees have taken up recidence in compost bins and large flower pots.

There are many costs involved with removing bees. I can give a free quote over the phone on how much it will cost to remove the bees safely. If you would like the bees safely removed please give me a call on 0437077792

European wasps (Vespula germanica) are the most disliked insect due to the fact they can repeatedly sting and inject a painful venom. The European wasp does not have any natural predators to keep its number in check. In Europe harsh cold winters can kill all but the queen.

We have the perfect temperature in Australia to maintain strong healthy colonies of European wasps nearly all year round. A nest of wasps can contain up to 100,000 of them! If you discover a nest do not go anywhere near them as they can be incredibly aggressive and defensive towards their nest.

A sting by a European wasp the pain can be excruciating and may also cause nausea, vomiting and in some cases anaphylaxis. See a doctor if you have bad reactions or have difficulty breathing.

I can eradicate them usually within 24 hours. For European wasp and wasp nest removal Melbourne please call me on 0437077792.

There are nearly 20,000 species of bees in the world and they are found on every continent except Antarctica. The best-known species of bee is the European honey bee (Apis mellifera). Commonly referred to as simply the ‘honey bee’, this species, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a number of other types of bees. Human management of this species is known as beekeeping or apiculture.

Not only is the European honey bee responsible for producing the sweet honey that we adore for breakfast; it is also incredibly important as a vector of pollination. This is the process where the male sex cells of a plant are transferred from the male organs (the anthers) to the female organs (the stigmas) – both of these structures form part of the flowers. Once fertilization has taken place the fruit or seeds can develop and mature.

Some plants have different strategies to achieve pollination. Many grasses rely on the wind to carry pollen successfully to its destination, however most fruit and vegetables require pollination by insects. From a simple vegetable patch to a large orchard, fruits and vegetables are produced as endemic insects go about their business of collecting nectar and transferring pollen. But introduce a honey bee hive (or hives) and this will dramatically increase yield through more effective pollination.

I offer a bee pollination service that can help you optimize pollination and therefore crop yield. My apiary is based in Victoria’s Yarra Valley and I can pick up and deliver throughout Victoria. In the near future I will be extending operations to adjoining states. No job is too big or too small – I can rent out a single hive or as many as 100 hives.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your requirements, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0437077792.