Sparsh Pregnancy care 2.04

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12 Steps for Pregnancy Care

Get early prenatal care

Good prenatal care is essential for you and your baby. Call your healthcare provider right away and schedule your first prenatal visit, During that visit you'll be screened for certain conditions that could lead to complications.

Watch what you eat

Now that you're eating for two, you may be surprised to learn that you only need about 300 additional calories per day. Make sure you get plenty of protein. You now need 70 grams a day compared to 45 grams before you got pregnant. And while your calcium requirement remains the same, it’s more important than ever that you meet it, which is a challenge for many women.

Take prenatal vitamins

You also need to make sure you're getting enough iron. Your iron requirement increases significantly during pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters.

Exercise regularly

A good exercise program can give you the strength and endurance you'll need to carry the weight you gain during pregnancy, help prevent or ease aches and pains, improve sluggish circulation in your legs, and help you handle the physical stress of labor. It will also make getting back into shape after your baby's born much easier.

Get some rest

The fatigue you feel in the first and third trimesters is your body's way of telling you to slow down. So listen up and take it easy as much as you can. If you can't swing a nap in the middle of the day, give yourself a break and let your other responsibilities slide a little. If you can't sleep, at least put your feet up and read a book or leaf through a magazine.

Just say no to alcohol

Don't drink while you're pregnant: Any alcohol you drink reaches your baby rapidly through your bloodstream, crossing the placenta, and your baby can end up with higher levels of blood alcohol than you have.

Swear off all illicit drugs

Any drug you use gets into your baby's bloodstream as well. Some studies suggest that marijuana may restrict your baby's growth and cause withdrawal symptoms (like tremors) in your newborn

Stop smoking

Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage, growth problems, placental abruption, and premature delivery. Some research has even linked smoking to an increased risk of having a baby with a cleft lip or palate

Cut back on caffeine

The March of Dimes advises women to limit their caffeine consumption intake to less than 200 mg per day, an amount you could get from one 8-ounce cup of strong coffee. This recommendation came from a 2008 study showing that women who consumed that much doubled their risk of miscarriage compared to those who had no caffeine.

Eliminate environmental dangers

Some jobs can be hazardous to you and your developing baby. If you're routinely exposed to chemicals, heavy metals (like lead or mercury), certain biologic agents, or radiation, you'll need to make some changes as soon as possible.

See your dentist

Don't forget about your oral health: Brush, floss, and get regular dental care. Hormonal shifts during pregnancy can make you more susceptible to gum disease. Increased progesterone and estrogen levels can cause the gums to react differently to the bacteria in plaque, resulting in swollen, bleeding, tender gums (gingivitis). So see your dentist for a checkup and cleaning now if you haven't had a visit in the last six months.

Take care of your emotional health

Many women feel like they're on an emotional roller coaster at one time or another during pregnancy. But if your mood swings are extreme or interfering with your daily life, you may be suffering from depression, a relatively common condition.